An Ode to the Nightingale

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In the forest, where moonlight dances,
A nightingale sings her sweet romances,
Her melodious voice echoes through the trees,
Carrying with it a gentle breeze.

Her song is a symphony of love,
A gift from the heavens above,
Each note a delicate expression,
Of nature's boundless affection.

Through the darkness, her voice soars,
A lullaby for the stars to adore,
Her music weaves a tapestry of dreams,
That dance upon the moonbeams.

Oh nightingale, your song divine,
A treasure for all time,
In the silence of the night,
Your melody takes flight.

So let me pen this humble verse,
In praise of your beauty diverse,
An ode to the nightingale's song,
Forever in my heart, where you belong.

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