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In the stillness of the night,
When all the world is wrapped in sleep,
The fireflies come out to play,
Their gentle glow a secret to keep.

They dance among the flowers,
Their light like tiny stars above,
A magical sight to behold,
A symbol of nature's eternal love.

Their flickering lights illuminate,
The darkness with a soft glow,
A symphony of light and shadow,
A mesmerizing, enchanting show.

I reach out to touch one,
But it slips through my fingers like a dream,
I smile as I watch them dance,
A sight more beautiful than it may seem.

For in their delicate dance,
I see a reflection of myself,
A creature full of light and hope,
A firefly gathering strength and wealth.

So let me be a firefly,
Dancing in the night so bright,
Spreading light and joy to all,
A beacon of love in the dark of night.

And when my time has come to pass,
Let my light linger on,
Forever dancing in the night,
A firefly, never gone.

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