Vision 6: Let's go home together, little brother.

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Samei's storytelling is over and for a few minutes now, silence has filled the room. With uneaten pizza slices on their plates, Geord and Aniik feel sorry for their friend. The mood sure has dropped. Everyone has lost   their appetite and any coversation starting ideas.

But Samei feels the need to ease this tension.

Samei- Don't worry about me you  two... Everything is fine now. Just as you, Aniik, was saved by Yonuro, I  was also saved by someone. This "uncle" I've been telling you about who's  in the hospital, my old man to be accurate, took me in and saved me. I  am forever grateful for whatever he has done for me since then. And now  that he's doing a lot better, I'm beyond happy. 

Samei does a gesture to calm down the others, showing that everything is alright.

Samei- It's just that I never expected to see Ikki after all this time and remind me of the family I once abandoned... But now I've got a much better family to work with... Hehe...

Geord and Aniik begin to smile.

Samei- And I won't allow anything or anyone to change things, either with you guys, or with my old man. And I know just how to do that! Mark my words!

Geord- Samei... I always knew you were tough in nature and really mature not only due to your higher age. Now I finally know why. You really are a brave girl...

Geord proceeds to take a small bite off his cold pizza slice. With a smile on her face, Aniik does the same.

Samei- Yoshi!

Samei takes a bite as well and thinks over a plan of hers. After finishing her plate, she says to herself

"My little brother... If noone else will, then I will be the one to save you..."


The following day, the girls need to go to school. As always, Samei and Aniik take the bus. The replaced bus driver smoothly gets them there.

After departing, they exchange determined looks. They must have talked about something in advance...

Samei- Quick, Aniik!

Aniik- Yeah!

They get to their desk earlier than everyone. And their plan commences!

Samei- Give me the letter and the pen and... let us create the perfect bait!

Samei starts writing something on the piece of paper and hides it under Ikki's desk. That's the first stage of her plan. Isolate him for a while.

The letter is fairly simple but clearly potent for any male student. In an indicative girly handwriting, she wrote.

"Skip first period and meet me at the gym. I need to talk to you about something"

Aniik and Samei leave the classroom before anyone sees them. Promptly after, everyone gets ready for first period and... There he is. The "fish" has been spotted.

Ikki sees the letter and takes a look at it.

Ikki- What is this? Some sort of love letter? Huh... So classy a prank. Bait used to be believable...

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