Vision 4: A wild Ikki has appeared...

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Despite having terrible night sleeps these past couple days, Samei and Aniik get to school on time, without any issues whatsoever. With perfect coordination—Samei readying their packed lunch and Aniik selecting the correct books to put inside their school bags—the girls managed to lay the working ground for that to happen.

Coordination and teamwork are not two words to describe the friendship Aniik-Samei. So what's going on here? The girls thought about yonuro's last letter a great lot and came to a realization. Their everyday lives that Yonuro sacrificed herself to protect must not be wasted. 

Crying about something they cannot fix, is akin to breaking it apart even more. Of course and they will keep on thinking about Yonuro and worry about her, but not to a point that it backfires and opposes to Yonuro's will. That being their own happiness and normal fulfilling lives.

Samei- High five, Aniik!

Aniik- Not only did we make it in time, we're the first ones to enter the classroom!

Samei- Well said!

Aniik- Eat our dust, other classmates!

Samei changes expression.

Samei- (...) 'Kay, you got a bit off topic there. But, sure!

Teacher- Good morning to you, too, Samei, Aniik...

The called out students turn around 180 degrees and astoundingly say "Haha... Good morning, sir!"
Talking to each other with their eyes— "WHEN DID HE GET HERE?!"

A few moments after this awkward one, the students all sit at their desks and say "Good morning" to the teacher and some among themselves. The teacher waits a little bit for the students to get ready and says

Teacher Gidenir- I think... Yeah, everyone's here. Except for Ikki, of course. Alright, let's start things off with some chemistry—

Out of the blue, the teacher's words are drowned out by an unexpected loud sound. The classroom's door being opened...

In an almost lifeless tone of voice, the "summoned" student speaks the following

???- I'm here... Ikki Kendomo, present.

The confused teacher blinks a few times as silence then fills the classroom.

Most of the students give the boy a perplexed and intent stare. His ear-length, light blue dyed, frizzy hair with a faint purple hue on the tips, his also blue eyes which shed light onto his already pretty face, his nicely maintained physique and body and the semi-formal elegant clothing he is covered in are all without a doubt characteristics worth staring at.

The girls whisper among themselves "Who's the hottie?" "Who the hell is that?!  Woo!" "I hope he sits with me! UwU"

The boys shout among themselves "Fuck off..." "Who's the wynorrific freak?" "He's gonna take all the gals! AHHHHH!" 

Aniik- What a MirAcLE! The school's ghost has appeared in the flesh! Hahaha!

Samei- (...)

The good looking boy approaches the unoccupied, right-cornered desk that Samei was sitting at before joining Aniik. Instead of taking a seat, however, the boy does something that nobody ever expected. He grabs the desk and slides it to the other side of the room with one strong swing.

Soon enough, the desk finds the wall and a loud thud resonates throughout the room.

As a result, the desk is now located behind Samei and Aniik's desk, and it now represents  the new last-row, left cornered desk.

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