Vision 5: Chained Hearts

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"We all have a thing or two in our family that others might find weird. Like a weird unique tradition or a particular way to keep things in order, all that is found in every normal family.

"But whatever that may be, anything too far off the median value may become a toxic mind-bending nuisance"

Samei- And my family is a fine example of that statement.

8 years ago (Year 392 P.B.)

In a traditional dojo-styled house located in a small town in Japan called Hokoyama, there lived a family of great renown, descendants of infamous warriors who had challenged society's inner order, long ago.

The two siblings that live there have nothing to do with their family's controversial past. Nevertheless, they are forced to lead a cruel lifestyle by their parents, specifically their father, in order to achieve something they are never even meant to learn about. All they know is that they must--

???- You've got to get stronger, Ikki. Look at you, so frail and fragile. You are nothing compared to your sister.

Ikki- I know, dad. I'm going to study more and become stro--

Ikki and Samei's father, Liam Kendomo, gets furious over his son's "foolish" statement.

Liam Kendomo-  Knowledge is for the weak, son! Throw these books away and focus on your aiming and sword fighting! All you need to do is practice, NOT STUDY!

Liam grabs Ikki's books and throws them in the fireplace.

At that moment, a loud gunshot is heard and Ikki covers his ears with his hands. And on top of that, seeing his favorite books now burning in flames right next to him makes him burst into tears.

Samei- I'm back! All dummies headshotted!

Liam- Wonderful! I'm so proud of  you, Samei! 

"At this rate, you might become ready sooner than I thought..." Liam murmurs.

Samei does not care about her father's praises, however, and proceeds to help her little brother.

Samei- Ikki? Ikki? Are you okay? What happened?

Ikki- The books, I-- I wanted to--

Liam- SILENCE, Ikki! Don't waste your precious time of training! I'll cut off your lunch if you keep crying like a baby!

Samei- Don't worry, dad, I'll train with him! Please don't skip his meal...

Their father leaves with a single warning "I want to see all his targets gone when I come back. If not, then both of you are gonna pay for it..."

While scratching his long beard and having his always expressionless, grim look on his face, Liam leaves the practice hall and heads for his room, where his wife awaits.

Despite his strict manners and apparent apathy toward others, this man is paradoxically one of the best doctors in the world. He has worked for many years as a military psychiatrist and is highly praised as a kind and good doctor.

But the public doesn't know of these cruelties happening at home. Families do keep secrets from outsiders, but to what extent is it moral? Not that I could know, but surely not in this case...

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