3 - imperfectly perfect

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i was sat in the living room with fez who was already here when we got here, ash was in his room setting up the stuff to tattoo me.
"fez" "yeah kid" "you knew the only jacket that was there was gunna be ashs didn't you?" he laughed at me "yeah but i knew he would have a problem with you wearing it. unless he did?" "he didn't but i felt bad he looked freezing in the way over here" he just laughed at me in response "he'll live" he says through small chuckles.
"riv you ready? come here!" i hear ashtray shout from down the hall. i walk towards his bedroom pushing the door open to see ash sat on his desk chair with his tattooing stuff laid along the desk.
"you ready?" "yeah where am i sitting?" i ask him trying to hid the little bit of nervousness i have running the through my body right now. he nodded his head towards the end of the bed closest to him so he could reach me. "what do you want and where?" i thought about it for a second before replying, "imperfectly perfect. just under my collar bone" "your gunna have to take that jacket off for a second then" i nodded and pulled the jacket off without another thought forgetting to tuck away my arms to make my wrist unseeable. he turned the tattoo gun on and got started, after a few minutes i seen his face get soft as he looked down i was confused at what he was looking at and followed his gaze to see he was looking at my wrists i quickly pulled the jacket over my legs covering my wrists that i had resting in my legs. he looked at me. straight into my eyes as i looked back in his, they were full of what looked like sadness, he felt bad for me. i didn't need his sympathy though it would just make me feel worse "i'm okay, keep going" i nodded at him just to let him know i'm doing fine. he smiled at me. it was small but it was a smile, it was the kinda smile that said i could let him know if i needed anything.

"done" i walked towards the mirror he has in his room looking at the tattoo "imperfectly perfect" in cursive along the bottom of my collarbone. it was pretty. not to big not to small it was nice. i turned smiling at him "i love it, thank you" "your welcome ma. it looks beautiful on you" i felt myself blush at his comment. "you wanna watch a movie or have you got to get home?" he asked as he packed all his tattoo stuff away. "i can stay, what you wanna watch"


me and ash were laying on his bed watching a cartoon show, before i felt my eyes get heaving and my body was consumed by darkness.


Ashtrays POV:

i turned to check on river who was asleep. she was beautiful. i got up walking into the kitchen to grab a drink and fez was in the living room watching some shit on the tv. "you like her" i heard fez from behind me "she cool" i replied with a smile on my face thinking of the girl who was asleep in my bed. i finished pouring my drink turning to fez "she's asleep so keep it quiet" i told him he nodded in response as i walked back towards my bedroom, she was still asleep. i pulled off her shoes carefully and set them at the foot of the bed and pulled the blanket over her, i spotted her wrist and was careful placing the blanket over her, why would such a beautiful girl do such a bad thing to herself i thought but then realised she has her own reasons and if thats what makes her feel better than i'm not to judge. but that night i made myself a promise. i'm gunna take care of this brunette girl so she wouldn't have to feel the need to do that ever again.

i was laying next to her and continued watching the show we were watching before i felt my own eyes get heaving and felt myself drift off into a deep sleep.

words: 766

i know this ones short. do you guys think there relationship is going to fast? shall i drag it out a bit? let me know please. thank you for reading. i appreciate all of you. dont forget to vote.

scars // ashtray // euphoriaWhere stories live. Discover now