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A few months after their legal victory against JYP Entertainment, the eight members of Stray Kids stood on the brink of their most significant moment yet. They were about to unveil their first complete group song, 'District 9,' to the world.

As the moment drew near, nerves coursed through their veins. "I'm so fucking nervous," Felix confessed, his pulse racing.

But amidst the anxiety, a flicker of unwavering determination burned within them. They had faced countless challenges in their pursuit of their dreams, and they were resolved to seize this opportunity with everything they had.

Led by Chan, they had invested half of their earnings into a comfortable home where they could unwind and purchase new studio equipment. Their unwavering commitment to their music had become their guiding light.

"Let's try to avoid using any vulgar language," Chan advised, his voice a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. "I am confident that the audience will appreciate our performance, and even if they don't, we can take pride in our hard work."

As the audience fell silent, the moment of truth had arrived. The stage lights illuminated their faces, casting an ethereal glow upon them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, up next is the newly formed group, Stray Kids!!"

The crowd erupted into thunderous cheers and chants of their names. The boys stepped onto the stage, their hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"Greetings everyone!" Chan addressed the audience, his Australian accent adding a touch of charm. "For those who are unaware, we are Stray Kids, and we have put in a tremendous amount of effort to reach this point! We sincerely hope that you will enjoy our performance!!"

With that, the music surged forward, carrying them along on a wave of raw emotion and infectious energy. They poured their souls into every note, every dance move, and every lyric.

The audience was captivated by their passion and undeniable talent. They cheered, they laughed, and they sang along, becoming an integral part of the performance.

As the last echoes of the music dissipated into the stillness of the night, the members of Stray Kids stood in unison, bowing deeply with a mixture of elation and contentment written all over their faces.

That night they won their first award as 'new artist'


3 Months ago

"Boys, how's life?" Chan asked, scanning the members' faces. "Channie Hyung, don't act like we haven't been living with you for the past year," Seungmin replied with a smirk.

Chan chuckled and proceeded to the main topic. "We are going on tour," he declared.

The members' eyes widened in surprise. "Tour?" Jeongin asked. "Yes," Chan explained. "I know, not many people know about us, but this can help spread our music."

"Wait, is this why you had us choreograph new dances?" Hyunjin inquired. Chan nodded and pulled out several posters from under the sofa. "We need to post these all around South Korea," he said.

The posters featured the group's name, logo, and tour dates. The members were excited and eager to share their music with fans.

"This is amazing!" Felix exclaimed. "I can't wait to perform in front of our Stay,"

'Stay' was the groups fandom name that was created by Felix, the other members never really agreed on it, but over time it grew on them.

The members spent the next few days preparing for the tour. They rehearsed their songs and dances tirelessly. They also worked on creating new content for their fans.

First Stop: Downtown Seoul

In the cramped confines of a dilapidated van, the eight boys layed . Chan, The driver, had depleted half his savings to secure this unreliable mode of transportation.

"Channnn, it's hot!" groaned Seungmin, his voice filled with discomfort. Chan ignored his pleas, having grown accustomed to the incessant complaints since they had boarded the vehicle a mere 15 minutes ago. The journey was expected to take only an hour and 30 minutes, but fatigue had already set in.

"How come I'm already sore?" Jisung inquired. "Maybe you're nervous," Felix offered. "Let me come and massage you." He reached across Seungmin to assist Jisung, only to be met with a stern voice.

"Nope, stay in your seat," Chan commanded, his eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. Felix pouted and reluctantly settled back, his gaze drifting out the window.

As the minutes turned into hours, the van finally approached the venue where they were scheduled to perform. The members disembarked, their bodies aching from the arduous ride.

"Which songs are we performing?" asked Jeongin, his voice laced with confusion. "Hellevator and 4419," Chan replied, his tone slightly sharp. "Did you not know that?"

"I did, it's just that you made us practice so many songs," Jeongin groaned. "I'm not sure if I remember them all."

With a sigh, Chan checked the time. They were running late, and the pressure was mounting. "We'll figure it out," he said, mustering a semblance of confidence. "Just focus on giving the best performance we can."

As the haunting melody filled the air, Chan led the charge, his fierce rap verses setting the tone for the night. Felix and Changbin followed suit, their voices soaring through the cavernous space, painting a vivid picture of struggle and determination.

With every beat of the bass, the crowd surged forward, their screams echoing the band's raw energy. Hyunjin and Minho moved with feline grace, their intricate choreography flowing effortlessly across the stage. Jeongin's delicate vocals added a touch of vulnerability to the performance, capturing the essence of the song's emotional turmoil.

As the tempo quickened, the intensity of 'hEllevator' reached its peak. Han and Seungmin unleashed a barrage of rapid-fire raps, their words cutting through the darkness like a beacon of hope. The stage erupted in a frenzy of movement and sound, as the boys poured their hearts and souls into every note.

But the night was not over. As the final chords of 'hEllevator' faded, the warehouse fell into an eerie silence. Then, from the shadows, the first notes of '4419' began to play.

With a haunting melody and introspective lyrics, '4419' transported the audience to a realm of longing and regret. Chan's vocals took center stage, his voice trembling with emotion as he sang of a love that had slipped through his fingers.

Felix and Changbin harmonized seamlessly, their voices intertwining like threads in a tapestry. Hyunjin, Minho, and Jeongin added their own unique nuances to the performance, each verse a testament to the band's versatility and emotional depth.

As the song reached its climax, the stage was bathed in a soft, golden light. The boys stood together, their faces etched with both pain and resilience. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, recognizing the raw emotion and undeniable talent that had just been unleashed before their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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