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All eight boys were now exploring a volcano, with Jeongin finding the sight of the dead volcano fascinating. However, Chan's mind wandered to music, interrupting the moment with thoughts of their choreographed dance for their original song. "Did y'all finish choreographing the dance for the song we made?" Chan questioned, eager to showcase their talents. Hyunjin was quick to respond, "Of course! We could show a little bit of it right now." With that, Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix began dancing their part in the song, with Jisung providing a beat with his humming. Before Chan could finish his thoughts, a random stranger approached them with amazement at their performance, leading to a promising offer to help them produce their music and get it out into the world.

The boys were taken aback by the stranger's offer to help them with their music, feeling a rush of excitement at the idea of taking their talent to the next level. "That was awesome! Do y'all make music?" the stranger inquired, sparking a sense of pride in Hyunjin as he confirmed their musical efforts. With a sense of determination and purpose, the boys eagerly accepted the offer to visit the stranger's studio, knowing that this could be a valuable opportunity to grow as artists. Despite being on vacation, they made plans to reconvene in two days to discuss the potential collaboration, exchanging phone numbers with the stranger in a show of genuine eagerness for what lay ahead.

The encounter with the stranger at the volcano had opened up new possibilities for the boys, igniting a sense of purpose and excitement within them. As they continued their exploration of the volcano, their minds were filled with thoughts of the future and the potential for success in the music industry. With the stranger's offer hanging in the air, the boys felt a renewed sense of passion for their craft, eager to see where this unexpected opportunity could take them. As they soaked in the beauty of the volcano around them, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had brought them one step closer to achieving their dreams.


After the volcano viewing, the boys thought relaxing would be a good idea. "Hey, Hyunjin can you teach me and Jeongin our parts in the song?" Jisung said, laying down on the couch to where his head was on Hyunjin's lap. "Yeah sure, but Minho can teach Jeongin his part and I'll teach you," Hyunjin said to Jisung as he got up slowly from the couch. Minho and Hyunjin began to teach Jisung and Jeongin. "Do you guys have any questions before I turn on the music?" Minho said. Jisung and Jeongin shook their heads, and Minho started the song, District 9.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with excitement and energy as the boys practiced their dance routine. Hyunjin's guidance was invaluable, and Minho's patience in teaching Jeongin was commendable. The music filled the room, and the boys moved in sync, their movements fluid and synchronized. Each step and gesture were executed with precision, showcasing their dedication and passion for dance. As the song came to an end, they celebrated their successful performance with smiles and high-fives, proud of their progress and teamwork.

"You guys learned the dance already?" Chan said to Jisung and Jeongin, his eyebrows raised in surprise. Jisung nodded enthusiastically, his mouth full of mashed potatoes. "Yep, and you guys should too since we want to perform it soon," he said, gesturing towards the rest of the group. Changbin immediately chimed in, "Felix, teach the rest of us!" Felix let out a sigh before reluctantly agreeing, "Yeah, yeah, sure." With that, Felix took charge, instructing everyone to stand up and start learning the choreography.

As Felix began going over the steps, the rest of the group gathered around, eager to learn. Questions flew left and right as they worked to get the movements just right. Seungmin struggled with a particular footwork sequence, while Chan kept mixing up his arm movements. Felix remained patient, offering encouragement and guidance as they continued to practice. Soon, the dance began to take shape, with each member starting to feel more confident in their abilities.

The group worked tirelessly, repeating the dance routine over and over again until they had mastered every step. Felix praised their efforts, impressed by how quickly they had picked up the choreography. As they continued to practice, the room filled with laughter and camaraderie, each member pushing themselves to do better for the sake of the group. By the end of the session, they were exhausted but exhilarated, excited to show off their hard work to the rest of the world.


Although they loved the vacation, all eight boys knew that it had to come to an end. As they were split into two cars for the journey back, the time seemed to drag on as they encountered traffic along the way. Eventually, they made a stop at a gas station to stretch their legs and grab some snacks. Jeongin, always the most enthusiastic of the group, eagerly jumped out of the car, shouting about slushies and chips. However, their excitement was dampened when Chan noticed the missing posters of Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin plastered on the walls. Sensing the unease, Minho suggested that the five boys stay in the cars while others went inside to get the snacks. Despite their disappointment, Seungmin tried to comfort Jeongin as they waited for the others to return.

Chan, Minho, and Felix recognizing the impact it had on the group, made sure to gather all the snacks quickly and return to the cars. Jeongin's frustration was noticeable as he questioned why couldn't the company just move on from trying to get the boys back. Seungmin reminded him to be grateful for their own safety and escape. Despite the heaviness of the situation, they knew they had to continue on their journey back.

Once they were back on the road, the boys settled in for the long journey ahead. Hours passed before they finally arrived at Chan's small but cozy apartment, a stark contrast to the extended landscapes they had been exploring just days before. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air as they unpacked their things. Despite the unease, they tried to make the best of a difficult situation, finding solace in each other's presence.


The atmosphere in Chan's apartment was cozy and inviting as Minho and Felix settled in for the movie night with their members. The soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, casting shadows on the walls as the horror K drama played out on the screen. Popcorn and candies were passed around as the boys laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company. It was a rare moment of relaxation for the group.

As the movie neared its end, the adrenaline and fear subsided, leaving the boys feeling exhausted from the rollercoaster of emotions. Slowly but surely, one by one, they began to drift off to sleep, their bodies sinking into the comfortable cushions of the couch and floor. Minho and Felix, who had initially planned on going home once the movie was over, found themselves succumbing to the drowsiness that overtook their friends. The soft sounds of their breathing filled the room, creating a peaceful and serene ambiance that was a big difference from the horror they had just witnessed on screen.

The moonlight filtered through the curtains, bathing the room in a soft, silvery glow as the boys slept soundly. Changbin and Seungmin, who had found themselves on opposite ends of the couch, were both lost in dreams, their faces relaxed and peaceful. The company and bond between the group was evident even in their sleep, as they lay scattered around the living room, a jumble of limbs and blankets. It was moments like these that made them realize how fortunate they were to have each other, to have friends who would stay up late watching scary movies and fall asleep together in a tangle of arms and legs.

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