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He was definitely going to be late.

"What happened..." Chan whispered while having a lifeless boy in his arms.

The other boy was silent and looked like he was going to cry.

Chan took both of the stranger boys in and started to ask questions.
"Where did you come from?"
"Who hurt you?"
"Who are you?"
The boy was silent, he assumed that he was overwhelming the boy so he decided to call Felix.


"Hello, Chan?"

"Uhm Felix, hi again."

"Chan!!, are you at work?"

".....about that.."

"I need help with something."

"What is it?"

Chan then starts to explain everything that happened in the past 45 minutes.

"Woah. OK send me your address."

Chan texts his address and a few minutes later Felix is there.

"Okay, where are the boys," Felix asks while looking around Chan's apartment. Chan points toward his bed and Felix sees them. One is awake staring at the ground and the other lying down eyes closed.

Felix slowly walks up to the boys and sits crisscross applesauce in front of the awake boy. "hello my name is Felix, what's your name?" Felix says calmly


"Hi, Changbin what's your friend's name?"


While pointing to a first-aid box Felix asks about their ages.
"I'm 18 and he's 17, I think.

After covering all of Changbin's wounds Felix nodded and moved on to Jisung's wounds. "Can you tell me what happened?" Felix asks concerned after looking at Jisung's body.

Changbin didn't say anything but only stared at Jisung.

Chan came back with three bottles of water and gave one to each of the boys.

"Thanks, Felix I didn't know what to do."

"You're welcome, did you call off work?"
Felix asks

"Yeah, I did they said it was okay, For today."

Felix smiled when he was done covering up Jisung's open wounds and Chan and he walked to the kitchen. Chan pointed to where the bathroom was and then walked away

"What are you doing?" Felix asks while watching Chan take out his laptop. "I'm going to look them up," Chan answers

"What are their names?" Chan questions. "Are you that curious?" Felix wanted to know. Chan nodded and said, "I mean if two strangers were in your house would you want to know?" Felix stared at Chan for some time and then gave Chan his answer.

Chan typed in their names and saw 'Seo Changbin and Han Jisung trainee'. Chan clicked on it and their faces came on the screen. Felix read out loud what the newest article said "Seo Changbin and Han Jisung from JYP Entertainment have gone missing from the company if seen call +82 **** *** for 10,000,000,000 won.

"Is that a lot of money?" Chan questioned. "Ya, I'm pretty sure it's millions of bucks," Felix answered
"Then it's confirmed we're reporting them back to the company!!" Chan shouts in excitement at all the money he's going to get.

"What the fuck Chan," Felix says and Chan stops to look at him.
"If they escaped the company looking like this, then do you even know what will happen if we report them back."

Chan halts to ponder for a moment and sighs. "Where are they going to live?" Chan raises a question. "With you," Felix responds.

Chan raises an eyebrow and says "I can't even afford a real bed and I'm going to have to have to get 2 more?!"

"You let them in your home. Deal with it."
Felix sternly said back

"Fine, Fine." Chan pouts

Chan then noticed that the once-asleep boy was standing wakeful in the kitchen door frame looking straight at him.

"um hi...." Jisung nervously said to Chan and Felix
"Do you have something to eat..." He added on

"Yes I do," Chan said as he opened the fridge to take out two bananas.

"..Thank you.." Jisung said bowing and walking back to Changbin.

Suddenly Felix pulled Chan deeper into the kitchen and spoke "Did you see how skinny he was, I didn't notice at first because he had an oversized sweater on!" Chan then nodded and looked at Felix.

"Oh!" Felix pulled out his phone and called his cousin, Minho.

"Hey, Felix." Minho started the conversation

"Hey, Minho are you busy?" Felix asked

"Umm not really, you need me?"

"Yep come over to Chan's apartment," Felix says while sending the address.

"Chan has a fucking apartment in Korea?!" Minho said while hopping into his car.

"Yep, I just found out today too!"

"I'm pulling up now."

"What am I here for again?" Minho said while looking at Changbin and Jisung.

"You're going to cook for Changbin and Jisung!"
Felix said in excitement

"I don't even fucking know them." Minho Stared at Jisung, while Jisung rolled his eyes at him.

Jisung then whispered something to Changbin and spoke, "We're hungry." jisung said. "I'm not cooking you shit with that attitude," Minho said sternly. "I never said you had to," Jisung said back.

Minho rolled his eyes and then turned to the kitchen trying to get it over with. Jisung turned to Changbin and laid his head on his shoulder.

Minho came out with their food and Jisung and Changin started to feast. They both looked like they were enjoying the food until Jisung froze and stared at Changbin then started running to the bathroom, Changbin then put his French fries down and ran after Jisung

Felix, Minho, and Chan were left in Chan's room starstruck.
They all got up "Was the food bad?" Minho asks while following Felix and Chan to the bathroom. "No." Felix said, "He probably hasn't been eating."

They all walked to the bathroom and saw Jisung leaning over the toilet and Changbin rubbing his back

"Chan do you have some medic-" Felix is cut off by the knock on the door. "I'll answer it," Minho said walking to the door.

Minho opened the door and saw three big men in suits standing and looking inside the apartment "Have you seen two boys ages 18 and 17?" one of the suited men said.


1002 words

What will Minho say?

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