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The JYP Entertainment building loomed over the group of eight boys like a menacing titan, its imposing structure casting a long shadow over their hearts. The once-familiar hallways now filled them with a mix of dread and determination.

"Hello, boys," a staff member's voice crackled emotionlessly through the intercom. "It's nice seeing you again after Months," he added, his gaze lingering on Changbin.

Jisung's eyes narrowed. "I was hoping I would never see you again," he retorted bitterly.

The staff member led them through the labyrinthine corridors to the office of the legendary founder, J.Y. Park. "And just so you guys know," he warned, "he is mad."

Chan rolled his eyes and hoisted open the heavy door, revealing a spacious office bathed in opulent decor. Eight chairs faced the large desk where J.Y. Park sat, his piercing eyes surveying them with a steely glare.

"So scary..." Changbin muttered sarcastically under his breath. He had never been fond of the man, who had witnessed their rise to fame and their subsequent downfall.

"I'll give you all two choices," J.Y. Park boomed, his voice echoing through the room. "Either you five boys return to the company or you'll see me in court for theft."

Changbin stood up from his chair, speaking with conviction. "We will leave the matter to the court to decide," he announced.

J.Y. Park responded with a patronizing tone, "Are you aware of the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome for your group in this case?"

Jisung's eyes flashed. "Probably not, because I have all the evidence of what you have been doing to Us over the years," he retorted sharply.

J.Y. Park's face twisted in anger. "We'll see you in court then," he snarled, motioning for a staff member to hand Jisung a document. "You've made a grave mistake," the staff member said smugly, shoving the paper into Jisung's chest.

The boys filed out of the building, their hearts pounding with a mix of suspicion and defiance. They had reached a crossroads, and the path ahead was uncertain. Yet, as they disappeared into the teeming streets, they shared a silent vow to fight for their justice, no matter the cost.


"What will we do if we don't win the case?" Jeongin, the youngest of the group, asked nervously, his voice trembling slightly.

Hyunjin met Jeongin's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I don't know, but I'm sure we'll win," he said, his words meant to reassure both Jeongin and himself.

Jisung, ever the optimist, chuckled and broke the tense silence. "If we don't win, we could just say J.Y. Park doesn't know how to sing, and being in the company won't do us anything." His quip elicited a few stifled laughs, temporarily lifting the heavy weight of uncertainty that hung over the group.

"What day is the court day anyway?" Jisung asked, his voice suddenly more serious.

Chan, reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled court document. He unfolded it and scanned the contents before answering, his voice somber, "It's in less than a week."

As Chan's words hung in the air, the room fell silent. The weight of their looming court date pressed down on them, casting a shadow over their hopes for the future. A company they felt had repressed their creativity and manipulated them. But if they lost their case, everything they had worked for would vanish into thin air.

"We have to win," Changbin said, breaking the silence. "For ourselves, for our dreams, and for all those who support us." His words echoed with unwavering determination, igniting a spark of hope within the group.

They vowed to leave no stone unturned in their preparation for the trial. They spent countless hours practicing their lines, gathering evidence, and honing their arguments. With each passing day, their resolve grew stronger.

The day that had been looming over the eight members of Stray Kids had finally arrived. As they stood together in the dimly lit courtroom, their hearts were racing with anticipation and anxiety. The fate of not only their beloved band, but also their hard-earned careers and cherished dreams, seemed to hang in the balance. The heavy silence in the room was broken only by the sound of their collective breaths and the occasional shuffle of their feet. Each of them knew that the judgment about to be delivered would have a profound impact on their lives, and they could only hope that it would be a favorable one.


The atmosphere inside the courtroom was tense and heavy with anticipation. The Five boys, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin, all stood before the judges, dressed in impeccable suits. Their faces betrayed a blend of determination and anxiety as they awaited their fate. Standing by their side were Chan, Minho, and Felix, their unwavering supporters who looked on with equal parts hope and uneasiness.

The presiding judge interjected, interrupting the silence, and posed the inquiry, "Gentlemen, could you please present your piece of evidence?"

Changbin, being the oldest, stepped forward and took a deep breath before speaking. "Over the years of just being trainees of JYP Entertainment, all five of us have been through it all. We have evidence of staff printing bruises on our bodies and sending sexual messages to Jeongin. And let me remind you, he was a minor at the time."

With a steady hand, Changbin handed over the evidence to the judge. The judges examined the photos and messages, confirming that they were indeed from the staff of JYP entertainment.

Judge Park turned to face the head of the company, J.Y. Park. "Mr. Park, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

J.Y. Park cleared his throat and stood up, trying to maintain a composed demeanor. "Yes, your honor. The five boys have all been under my company as trainees for over two years, and before they signed their contracts, they were well aware of the terms and conditions. They were aware that they may not leave the company unless they pay a hefty fee."

The judge raised an eyebrow and asked, "Could you please provide the evidence of this contract?"

J.Y. Park confidently handed over a thick file to the judge, thinking that this would be the end of the boys' claims. But what he didn't know was that the boys had their own evidence to counter this.

Jisung rolled his eyes and then smirked, "Your Honor, if you look closely at the contract, you will see that it also states that the trainees may be released from the company if they are physically or emotionally harmed in any way."

With this new information, the judges examined the contract carefully and found Jisung's words to be true. They turned to face J.Y. Park, had a look of shock and realization on his face.

The judges then made their final decision, "JYP Entertainment is found guilty of harassing and abusing their idols. Mr. Park, you will have to pay a fine of 7,000,000,000.00 South Korean won to each of the five boys, and they will also be granted their freedom from the company."

The boys couldn't contain their excitement as they cheered, their voices echoing through the courtroom. They had finally won against JYP entertainment, and they were going to be free from the years of abuse and manipulation.

As they left the courtroom, they were greeted by fans and reporters who had gathered to support them. Smiles adorned their faces as they held up their hands, showing the victory sign to their loyal fans.

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