Chapter 1: Hope's Despairful Killing Spree! Daily Life (Part 5)

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(Everything was going by so fast, to most people the process of transferring Arei body from her room to the Medbay took only a few minutes surprisingly. But to Phoenix, it felt like time had stopped as he just stood there, lost in thought about everything.)

Maya: Phoenix? You've been standing here for the past few minutes. Are you ok?

Phoenix: Hm? Oh yeah I am ok.

Maya: Ok, wanna head to the Medbay to check on Arei?

Phoenix: Sure......

Phoenix: (We started heading towards the Medbay but all the while I started getting a splitting headache, it was weird)

Phoenix: (We eventually got to the Medbay as Maya sat me down as I turned towards Medic)

Phoenix: So, is Arei gonna be ok?

Medic: Don't worry she will be ok, whoever tied that noose did a shitty job at it, almost as bad as Scout.

Phoenix: You hear that Maya? Arei's gonna be ... .ok?

Phoenix: (Maya had just disappeared along with my headache, there was now a mannequin in the corner as well, weird.)

Phoenix: I guess Maya had to go.....

Medic: Yeah yeah, I'm putting this damn mannequin in the storage room, you mind keeping an eye on Arei for me?

Phoenix: Uhhh sure.

Medic: Good, and don't touch anything while I'm gone. (He left the room)

Phoenix: (After he left, Monika came in soon after)

Monika: Hey Phoenix, is Arei gonna be alright?

Phoenix: She will be. What brings you here?

Monika: Oh I have a proposition for you.

Phoenix: You do?

Monika: I was wondering if you could watch over Arei for the night, to make sure her attempted killer didn't come back to finish the job.

Monika: And in case you are her attempted killer, (Places down a portable wireless monitor) This will keep a close eye on you and it sends footage to my E-Handbook so I'll know if you try anything funny.

Phoenix: Does it also transport audio?

Monika: No, it's not that advanced Phoenix.

Phoenix: Alright, I'll take the night, morning, and afternoon shifts for the time being.

Monika: Phoenix-

Medic: Monika? Vhat are you doing here?

Phoenix: She's letting me watch over Arei for the night to protect her.

Medic: Vhatever, it's not my problem, let's go back to bed already.

Monika: Alright, bye Phoenix.

Phoenix: Bye guys, see you tomorrow!

Phoenix: (I spent the night keeping an eye on Arei, but I was worried over a bunch of other things, what's going on with Maya, Who targeted Arei and why, and......)

Phoenix: (That's right, the motive. I completely forgot that the motive deadline is in a couple hours and then, we lose all our talents.)

Phoenix: (It was a terrifying thought but, we all had to persevere for hope, right?)

(The Next Day)

Phoenix: (Once the morning announcement went off, I went off to my dorm to get some rest and sleep.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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