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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ Whispers ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

Israel POV

I was finally let out of the orphanage! America has been texting me constantly asking when I'll be there. She even went as far as telling me that Taiwan is dying to see me and he's looking everywhere for me! When I read those texts I blushed. Never have I ever thought my crush would care about me.

It's a five minute walk to the park where the carnival is held and the streets are dark which scared me. Anything could be lurking in the corners. I turn my attention to the sky instead. The stars are appearing now and I'm fascinated by them. I still remember years ago when my father told me about how stars represented ambitions and purity. He showed me the star he made out of straw that has six angles. Little did I know, these stars were the only thing that kept me company through all these years without his presence.

My dad died painfully. After we got captured, he was tortured and then beaten to death. Our enemies spared me because I was only a mere child, incapable of anything. I was angry and wondered why. But even with such pain I journeyed on with the North Star as my guide. It led me here. It gave me a new life. These stars are the maps of the future and I fully believe in it.

I make it to the carnival and look at my text messages to see if America told me her location. She's at the Ferris wheel and she's with China and Russia! That's awful! I hurriedly rushed in to find her location, but it was already too late. She's already in the cart, halfway through the ride.

I can see her dozing off and looking at the sky. That's what I usually do when I'm on a Ferris wheel. It makes me feel closer to my father who's up in heaven watching me. I smile softly.

"You what?!" America shrieks, immediately turning towards, I assume, China. I frown, this doesn't seem good. I can tell the people around me are also confused and concerned. I suddenly see Taiwan in the next cart all by himself. He's also confused as he tries looking at the cart above him.

I take out my phone and try calling her, only for Canada to pick up. "Hello?" He asks. He's a few carts away from America. "If you're wondering, Amy dropped her phone when China dragged her into one of the carts."

I groan in frustration, "I just heard Ame shriek 'you what?' And I'm kind of worried for her. Do you think she'll be alright with China?"

Ukraine giggles, "she'll be fine. You're over thinking."

"I guess so," I sigh.

"Amy told me Taiwan wouldn't stop thinking about you," I can already see the Canadian's smirk. I hung up, embarrassed. Taiwan can't possibly like me. I'm getting the wrong idea!

The cart America's in reaches the ground. I smile, about to greet her, but she runs past me, bumping into me along the way. Wait, is she crying?

"Америка!" Russia screams running after her. China also follows, after getting scolded by the staff members.

I bite my nails nervously as I watch them run and disappear into the crowd. I would go after them, but they need space. They probably talked about something private and I don't want to make their situation even more awkward. I can only hope the best for America.

"You're here," Taiwan appears next to me, smiling giddily.

I smile back, "yeah, finally! My teacher wouldn't let me go until I cleaned all the dishes."

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