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America POV

"Was that true?" Canada asks me. We are back at home after my unexpected events with China. Ukraine opened the door on us and it scared the sh*t out of me. I jumped off the bed and ran out the room. Ukraine chased after me, laughing her *ss off. When I finally saw Canada, he was talking to Taiwan. He didn't look happy at all. Initially I thought they had an argument, but it turns out Canada wants Taiwan to keep an eye on China for me. I can protect myself, thank you very much. When he saw me, he dragged me out of the house not saying a word. He didn't even say goodbye to Ukraine. Did he find out her secret or does he hate China? Probably the latter.

"What was true?" I yawn. Canada lies down next to me on my bed.

"That you knew China in elementary school." What a stupid question? He knows I'm 'dating' China so the two of us had to come up with some story.

"Ukraine put us on the spot. China and I never discussed the beginnings of our 'relationship', so I went with the flow." I shrug. Canada doesn't respond. He's deep in his thoughts which is concerning because he's never like this. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

He sighs, "I was conflicted. Now I'm better." I nod my head. Conflicted by what exactly? Is there something I don't know? Thoughts I wish to ask Canada are interrupted by the sudden realization of something tragic. I sit up, frantically feeling for my necklace around my neck. I wore it to the double date, but it seems like I lost it. How could this be?

"Amy, relax." Canada massages my shoulders, trying to get me to calm down.

My mouth feels like the Saraha desert. "I lost my necklace." I break the news to Canada.

"What?! I saw you wearing it during dinner," Canada groans, trying to figure out what might have happened. "China must have stolen it. You two were in his room making out. He must have taken it when you were least expecting it."

I searched around for my phone, "I'll call China first." Canada hums in acknowledgement and helps me find my phone. Once we get it, I dial China's number. "Please pick up." I cross my fingers. Thankfully he does.



"I know you stole Amy's necklace. Give it back!" Canada shouts into my phone. Silence on the other end.

I glare at Canada, "I doubt he took it."

"I don't trust him." He whispers angrily.

"Woah. Canada, is that you?" I hear Taiwan from the other end. Canada blushes in embarrassment.

I laugh, "Taiwan! Hello again. Have you seen a necklace lying around? I think I lost it at your house." Canada pushes me onto the bed like a child which makes me laugh even more.

"Shut up!" He glares.

"I haven't seen a necklace. I'll ask China." Taiwan says. My laughter dies down to Canada's relief.

"I haven't seen it." I hear China say from the other end. "The last time I saw it was when we were walking to Pho."

"Alright, thanks." I say, ending the call.

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