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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ Uki ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

America POV

Canada and I walk up to the front door of North Korea's house. We can hear the booming of music and can see the flashing disco lights inside. From the slightly open curtain I can see enemies, friends, and strangers dancing with each other forming circles and hyping each other up. A small smile tugs on my face. I can't wait to dance.

I ring the doorbell. Of course, it takes a while before it opens up. Canada and I peer at the party in hopes of joining them soon. I nudge Canada on the shoulder, "Maple, this is your chance to dance with Germany or Finland."

I hear Canada gasp, "Amy! For the millionth time I'm not gay!"

I smile slyly, "don't deny it."

"I like girls. I like breasts and I like p*ssy." Canada glares at me.

I slap my hand over his mouth. "Don't say that out loud. Germany and Finland will be jealous!" I whisper shriek.

Canada rolls his eyes at me. "I hope you get laid tonight. It seems inevitable you'll be limping on the way back home." Canada smirks teasingly.

I blush and ball my fists. "Maple f*cking syrup! Go suck some d*ck!"

"I'm not gay."

The door to the house opens revealing a tired and depressed looking North Korean. He seems to be done with life—no, he's always done with life. His hair is ruffled up, his shirt is messy, and there are bags under his eyes. He grumbles, "glad you can make it." Ironic he would even say that.

"What happened to you?" Canada asks, concerned.

North Korea scoffs, "it's useless if I even tell you. Now get in before I close the door." Canada and I make our way inside. "Drinks are on the countertop. Food is in the kitchen. Bathrooms are downstairs. And leave me alone." North Korea takes out his headphones. He then sits in a corner and stares angrily at the ground.

"He is not happy." Canada mumbles.

"He's always unhappy." I roll my eyes. I link my arm with Canada's and smile, "now let's show these countries how it's done!" I drag him into the crowd and we start dancing to the music.

Dancing is electrifying and contagious. I can't stop moving to the beat! Canada started doing the worm and I do some wacky handstands. Best night of my life! It's been so long since I've been to an actual upbeat party. Whoever the DJ is is amazing at his craft!

The music suddenly dies down a little. "Is everyone having a good time?" Japan asks in the mic. There are cheers of yes and shouts of joy. "Are you ready to spice things up tonight?" Japan asks again. The crowd cheers. "Well, you are in for an exciting event because South Korea prepared all your favorite games! Give it up for the Birthday boy!" The crowd claps and screams South Korea. "We will be beginning the first game in the kitchen. Come on over!" Japan grins slyly.

"Want to go?" I ask Canada. He nods and we follow the countries to the kitchen. There I see Germany and Russia sitting with shots of, I assume, vodka in rows.

I hear Canada chuckle nervously, "this is too good to be true."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

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