Chapter 9: Blame

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Ten minutes passed and the two were now at a standstill.
"Hehe, you really love to fight." The creature sighed from exhaustion. Melony was exhausted as well but still determined to save Meggy. She did an upper slash that was powerful enough to split the monster, showing a bit of Meggy's body. Melony was shocked to see Meggy looking weakened and the substance of the monster almost covering her body.
"Meggy..." Melony silently whispered to herself. She transformed back to her original form as she stared at the poor girl and remembered the fate of Axol.

Mario stared at the two in the darkened sky, but yet there was so much smoke in the sky that he couldn't see them anymore.

The creature twisted its body to keep its host from waking. Melony was too in shock to notice the creature slash away her sword out of her hand in a brief instant. Melony blinked and came to, realizing she was missing her sword. The blade fell and stabbed a random Koopa's foot, making him scream in agony.
The creature laughed in Melony's scared face. "Hahaha, you didn't like seeing my host? How sad. Would have been a shame if you cut too deep." The creature backed away from the scared and upset girl.
"What are YOU?!" Melony yelled as tears fell from her eyes. The monster smiled. "A parasite born to live! Aren't we all born to live as we please?" The parasite went into a smoke cloud and disappeared.
Melony went down to the ground slowly as she began to cry.

Back at the palace moments later

Everyone was quiet as they entered the main entrance. Peach, not reading the room, started to run up to Mario with a fry pan. "Mario! What the goddam hell did you do-" Then proceeding to get punched in the face by Mario, knocking her out. (Doing the Peter Griffin dead pose.)

Tari held tight to Saiko's hand. Tears slowly trickled one by one down the cyborg's face. Saiko noticed her lover's tears and pulled her close for a hug.
Mario sat on the couch looking down at the floor. He blamed himself for what happened to Meggy.
I wished this didn't happened, Mario thought to himself. Tears started to fill his sight, making everything a blur. Without noticing, SMG4 sat beside him and patted his shoulder. "Mario," SMG4 began. "Look, we'll find a way. We defeated many, many threats. We'll save her. I just know it." Mario moved his head towards SMG4 and gave him a big hug. SMG4 slowly hugged him back. "You-a promise Mario?" Mario said solemnly, sniffling. "A promise is a promise, Mario. I swear it."

Yet with the resurgence of SMG4's promise, Mario still had doubt.

Somewhere deep in the sewers of the Mushroom Kingdom, the Parasites reside in...

"I-I-I blame you, 99!" The white blob with a nervous voice shouted at the other white blob. "How can you blame me about not being there with master?!" This blobs voice had more expression and sounded lively.
"M-master could've lost it's host a-and we couldn't be re-re-reanimated!" 87 continued stammering it's words and rant about the possibility of being caught.

Then a noise came from one of the pipes. It was their master.
"Welcome back master~! 87 couldn't stop talking about you getting killed by that weird thing."
The Parasite walked towards 87 and placed its hand on its head. 87's distorted frown and quivering expression turned to looking at peace. It slowly turned into a puddle. The Parasite's blank expression turned into a smile as it turned towards 99. "I think I found that girl's weakness. My host."

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