Chapter 8: Outmatched

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Mario stared at the two beings in horror. Luigi caught up to Mario. "Bro," Luigi panted. "We got-a go!" Mario turned to face Luigi then back at them.

"Wowzers," the monster laughed at Melony. "You are quite a swordsman- err, woman." Melony continued to stare at the creature with her blackened eyes and white pupils. She ready her sword for what the enemy will do.
The monster tilted her head, almost silently mocking the girl. "I suppose." The monster whispered to itself.

In a blink of an eye, the creature appeared in front of Melony, causing her to slash its face. The creature moved back, covering its face with its right hand, while it turned its other hand into a sword.
It slowly put its hand down, revealing a crazed look and the slash gone. Melony took the chance to quickly move behind the creature and slashed it from behind. Yet, the monster turned her body around quickly enough to parry the next attack.
Melony moved back then quickly went high into the sky. The monster pursued her.

On the ground, Luigi and Mario hurried their way back to the others.
"Damnit Mario," SMG4 said harshly. "You could've gotten yourself freaking killed!!" Mario didn't say a word but a sigh. SMG4 sighed as well. Luigi put his hand on Mario's shoulder and patted him. Mario kept looking down, feeling powerless to save his best friend.

Meanwhile the two entities fought in the skies. Almost matching in strength and skill. It was hard to tell who has the upper hand in the fight.
"Hehe, wowzers!" The monster exclaimed in excitement. "Another being that matches moi?!" Melony was too focused on trying to take it out. Yet, they always ended up copying each other's attacks. It was almost like they were fighting a mirror image of themselves.
Melony started to get frustrated and tried to think of another way. The monster continued to laugh and smile as if it was just a game to it. Each hit of the two's swords made the creature appear to look happy like a child, taking pleasure of the engaging action.
Each time their swords clashed, Melony started to get uneasy knowing that this thing has taken over one of her friends and sees it as a game.

Ten minutes have passed and the gang was starting to get worried. "Saiko?" Tari says in a solemn tone. "Was that monster really Meggy?" Saiko looked back at Tari and kissed her forehead. She tried to give Tari a comforting smile, but the fear slipped in.
Bob, for some reason, had a beer with him and proceeded to chug it. "Damn, this is just goddamn depressing." Bob said after chugging half the bottle. SMG1 and 2 tried to think of an idea to stop the monster and understand what it exactly is. Boopkins was in a fetal position, freaking out, in a corner. While SMG4, Mario, and Luigi sat on the ground in silence as the sounds of fire and sirens rang throughout the city.

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