Chapter 5: Start

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Mario and Luigi are eating breakfast together, until Luigi's phone rings. He picks it up, and it shows Smg4. Then answers. "Hello, Smg4," Luigi says. "What's going on? Did you find Meggy?" Smg4 replies worriedly, "You might want to turn on the channel." Luigi turns on the tv to see the headline say, "13 Disappearances In Downtown Mushroom Kingdom!" Before Mario takes another big bite of his waffles, he sees Luigi standing in shock. "Luigi?" He asks. Luigi then turns to answer Mario. "You got to see this..." Mario comes towards the tv and Luigi. Mario looks at the headline. Meggy could be one of them. One of his best friends, being one of the thirteen missing. A true haunting feeling.

Later at the palace

The gang express their concerns for the safety of Meggy. "This is awful." Tari says to Saiko as they sit on the couch. Saiko comforts her. Boopkins looks at Bob. "Oh, man. Meggy is most likely one of them! What do we do?" Boopkins says to Bob. Bob just replies with, "Sigh, you know fucking what?! This is already turning into a adventure. Hell, even an arc! I need a vacation." Bob then drinks a beer and just sits in a chair. Boopkins sighs, "Aw, man. We just got done with Zero over a month ago, now this. Wait! Maybe Smg0 is behind this." He runs up to Smg4. "Smg4!" He says. "I have a theory maybe Zero is behind this!" Smg4 responds with, "Impossible. Me, Mario, Melony and Smg3 defeated Zero. Unless... the God Box?" Smg4 then shakes his head. "No we also destroyed that. But maybe some remains."
Boopkins responds back, "The God Box? What that weird guy with a box head was talking about?"
"Yep. We still don't know what power it holds and what if there is any remains."
"Maybe Smg1 and Smg2 know. They might have more information about it. Or even know who's behind the disappearances!"
Smg4 snaps his fingers. "Of course! 1 and 2! Thanks Boopkins."
"Happy to help!" Then a sound of a distant explosion goes off. The castle goes quiet. They all rush outside to see fire in the distance, where the city part of the kingdom is. Smg4 goes in front of the group. "Everyone," he begins. "Get ready. We're going to find our friend."

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