Chapter 8

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Summer found herself once again in the heart of Lingapbukid, surrounded by the familiar stores and the sounds of the bustling town. She noticed how busier it seemed to be today than the last time she and Sebastian went.

The boys had biked downtown with her since it was a part of their route. Then after circling the whole area, they had a race at the small park (Angelo won like always) - and finally, head to the basketball court. But before they did, they had to stop at the convenience store first because JP wanted to buy himself his favorite energy drink. Since Sebastian, Summer, Angelo, and Aaron were all there now too, they thought they might as well buy themselves something.

As Sebastian reached for his favorite cashew nuts, Summer watched him. She doesn't really realize that her eyes wander from his face, to his scarred arms, then his hand...then-

A realization dawned on her like a slap in the face - she hadn't brought her purse with her, she forgot it, and she didn't have any money. The one thing you need in every convenience store.

Summer frantically searched both pockets with her hands, hoping against hope that she had stashed a few bills or coins in there. But alas, all she found was her trusty MP3 player and a pair of earbuds. She frowned.


"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked, raising a brow as he caught Summer's muttered curses.

"I forgot my purse back at aunt Nellie's, so I don't have any money..." Summer answered sheepishly, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She really shouldn't forget to bring money when going out - her mother told her that too. She didn't want Sebastian to think she did it on purpose so he would pay, though he really wouldn't think that.

She heard Sebastian snort. "Oh? Well, don't worry about it. I got it for you, okay? Whatever you want, go and get it," he offered generously, his hand coming to rest at the small of her back in a comforting gesture. "What'chu want, Summer? Chips? Cookies? A coke or maybe a sprite?"

The unexpected touch sent a jolt of electricity coursing through Summer's whole body. If her face was already red, then it became an even deeper shade of red as she struggled to maintain her composure. Inside, she was screaming with excitement.

"Th-Thank you, but... I was also planning to get Chloe something, w-while we're here," she stammered out, her voice betraying her nervousness that thankfully, he didn't point out.

"Alright, then go get her something too. I'm gonna pay for it," Sebastian repeats with his warm smile still lingering on his face. Unable to resist his kind offer, Summer nodded and accepted it, feeling grateful. It didn't take long for them to find Chloe a snack, since Sebastian knew what the little one's favorite was.

As for Summer, she had to take a moment. She thought of trying out something new. A bag of "Cheese Ring" might just be it - they didn't have that in the US.

With their own snacks in hand, Summer and Sebastian joined the rest of the boys at the counter to pay. Then, headed to the court.


Summer is quite surprised.

The large court was in their line of sight. She had expected a scene filled with people, or mostly kids, running around and engaged in various sports and other activities. After all, that's what courts were supposed to be like, right?

However, that doesn't seem to be the case here. Only five people occupied the court - a group of kids around her age. Three girls and a boy were in a game of badminton, their laughter and friendly banter, as well as the thuds of their rackets striking the birdie, echoed across the court. Nearby, a girl sat on the sidelines, watching the game.

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