Chapter 5

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It was already around three in the afternoon when Sebastian and Summer got back at the Garcia's, and the day was slowly coming to an end.

As they approached their neighborhood, they saw an SUV parking nearby. A cute, chubby little girl with short, black hair in a pink dress, her backpack slung over one shoulder, stood beside the vehicle.

Sebastian's smile widened as he recognized the girl. When their eyes met, her face lit up with joy and her excitement was evident in the way she called out to him.

"Kuya Seb!" she squealed excitedly, her voice going over across the distance between them. Actually, it sounded like the whole neighborhood heard it.

Sebastian was already walking towards the little girl while she ran to him, her heavy backpack bouncing with each step. He invited her into a welcoming hug.

Summer was watching the whole scene, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. I wonder who she is? She's so cute.


"Chloe, I missed you so much! Finally, you decided to come visit!" Sebastian exclaimed as he lightly pinched her cheeks, resulting in laughter from the little girl.

"I missed you too, you know! It's just mommy and daddy are always busy with work, we can only visit now. I hate when they're busy," Chloe explained, bouncing. "Daddy's not here though, only mommy."

Sebastian gently patted Chloe's head, a comforting gesture. "Well, I'm still happy that you and aunt Dianne are here. We'll just need Ronan and Madison, and then we'll be complete!"

Chloe furrowed her brow in confusion. "They're not here yet? I thought mommy said they'll be here," she wondered, placing a finger on her chin in thought.

"Uncle Harry couldn't pick them up because they're with their mom. But soon, they'll visit us too," he explained, offering Chloe a reassuring smile. "Anyways, we have someone new to play with! Remember what aunt Nellie told us before? You guys have a cousin living in California."

Chloe gasped, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Yes, yes! I remember! Is she here, kuya, is she here?!"

Upon hearing Chloe's excitement, Summer approached the two of them with a shy smile, giving a small wave in greeting. Chloe squeals again as she takes Summer's appearance.

"Oh my gosh! She's so pretty, kuya!" Chloe exclaimed, running up to her and stopping right in front of her. "Ahh! Her eyes and hair!" she gushed, loving Summer's blonde hair and green eyes - it was very unique to her, since it's rare seeing someone with these features here, and up close.

"Thank you, you're so sweet..." Summer replied, her cheeks flushing slightly as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

Chloe giggled in response. "My name is Chloe Rivera!... And you are - wait, I forgot your name. Oopsie..." she admitted sheepishly, a playful grin spreading across her face. "What's your name, ate?"

Before Summer could question what ate meant, Sebastian had already explained it to her in the fastest way he could (kuya, too). Then she finally answered Chloe.

"It's Summer. Summer Holden."

"Ah, yep! I remember now!" Chloe exclaimed, nodding her head in understanding. "Ate Summer. Your name is so pretty! It starts with S too, like kuya Sebastian." She giggled.

The cheerfulness and innocence of the little girl was contagious. While Summer observed Chloe's interactions with Sebastian and herself, she couldn't help but feel drawn to the young girl's warm and welcoming nature. She began liking Chloe already - and her and Sebastian's personality were almost alike too.

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