Chapter 7

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As Summer shared the reason why her little cousin Chloe couldn't join them for their little hangout, Sebastian nodded in understanding, a sympathetic smile playing on his lips.

"Aww, well that sucks for her," he remarked. "But I guess that's for the best. She doesn't have a bike of her own, so she couldn't possibly ride mine since you're already gonna do that. Let's just play with her later!"

"Yeah. We can buy her something too, like a little snack?"


Sebastian's bike had stood proudly in front of Nellie's house. Its sleek black frame was adorned with detailed white dragon scales. He wasted no time in mounting the ride. He extended his hand towards Summer as he invited her to join him.

She approached him, her eyes widening in awe at its impressive design.

Taking his outstretched hand, Summer allowed Sebastian to guide her onto the bike, providing a sense of stability as she found her balance. With a deep breath, she settled into the seat behind him - sidewards.

Sebastian lurched the bike forward when they were both set, its tires gripping the pavement. It was a bit wobbly at first as the boy adjusted to the weight of both himself and Summer, but soon enough, they found their rhythm, gliding smoothly down the road.

Summer held on tightly to Sebastian's shoulder, her fingers curled around the fabric of his jersey. With her other hand, she steadied herself against the metal of her seat to ensure she remained securely in place.

As they rode, Sebastian's long hair billowed behind him in the wind, and Summer took a moment to pin it back with her arm so it wouldn't get in her way. Her own hair did the same, but since no one was behind her, she let it flow with the wind.

"To Angelo's house!" Sebastian exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement as he steered the bike in a direction that's currently unfamiliar to Summer. Every turn seemed to lead to another identical stretch of road, and the same towering fire trees. She'd get lost here if she were to go alone.

But it's still beautiful to her nonetheless.

And romantic.


As Sebastian and Summer pedaled further around Lingapbukid, the dense forest gradually gave way to an area with row houses. Amidst the peaceful surroundings, the air buzzed with the lively chatter of women exchanging gossips and laughter, their voices carrying through the crisp morning air. Summer also saw some people sweeping the front of their homes and the sides of the road - mostly old people, and a woman strolling with her baby. To her surprise, there weren't any younger kids playing around outside.

With each turn of the pedals, Sebastian guided them through the winding paths until they arrived at Angelo's house. As they approached, the boy emerged from the front yard, his face lighting up with a wide grin when he spots Sebastian in the distance. He waved at him.

Sebastian returned the gesture with a warm smile. "Angelo!" he calls out.

He halted his bike, coming to a stop in front of his friend's fence gate, feet firmly planted on the ground.

Summer got a closer look at Angelo now. He's shorter than Sebastian but slightly taller than herself, has moreno skin, his hair slicked-back, and wore the same jersey Sebastian did. So he's part of the Lingapbukid basketball team too.

Upon noticing Summer lingering behind Sebastian, who is new and unfamiliar to Angelo as he's never seen her, curiosity sparked, and he raised a brow. "Oh, who's this?" he chimed, staring at the girl.

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