Chapter 2

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As the car rumbled along the winding road, Summer pressed her nose against the window, her green eyes wide with wonder. The unfamiliar cityscape gradually faded to a tapestry of trees and lush greenery. Fading more and more to the country side.

The city's hustle and bustle were replaced by the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, with the talking adults at the background. They were driving for about two hours now, the sun is to set soon.

Summer was almost lost in her own little world until she felt someone tap her shoulder. She flinched a little and turned around.

"You okay? You look like you're really lost in thought," Jennie says in a soft voice, smiling at her little sister.

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited and nervous..."

"Aww, there's no need to be nervous! They'll love you." Jennie pats Summer's shoulder for reassurance. "They're fun, nice people. Maybe a bit loud as well, but still fun."

"Summer seems like the quiet type, huh?" Rex pointed out, glancing at Summer from the rearview mirror for a split second. "I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. The boy my wife and I took in, Sebastian, is the complete opposite. He's loud. I think you two would still get along quite well. He gets along with anybody honestly."

Summer is okay with loud people, as long as they're nice. Her cousin Suzzie is loud, outgoing, expressive, and rarely keeps her feelings to herself. But she's a kind girl who thinks about the others. Suzzie is very talkative, but she isn't like that type of person who would always have to be the one talking and talking.

"What's Sebastian like?" Summer found herself asking. She's interested and not sure why. Maybe because he's actually around her age while her other cousins aren't?

Well, Ronan is only two years younger than her. But it's safe to say that there's actually a big difference with a 12-year-old and a 14-year-old.

"Well, like I said, Sebastian's loud," Rex says again with a hum. "He's also always eager to extend a hand of friendship. He loves meeting new people and makes friends effortlessly. That boy is quite the adventurer too, he's almost never home in the day."

"He sounds like a vibrant soul," Michael commented.

Summer then feels her sister nudging her shoulder, making Summer hit the door. "What?" Jennie had that smug smile on her face.

Summer's face squinted. She knew what Jennie was implying. "Really, sister?" She nudges the older sister back.

"I bet Sebastian's gonna be cute," Jennie whispered teasingly to Summer, poking the sides of her stomach. Summer holds her laugh back unsuccessfully, pushing away Jennie's hand and getting away from her.


"Here we are, everyone. Lingapbukid."

As their car approached, the gravel road led them to the outskirts of the small town Lingapbukid, nestled within a serene forest. Three two-story houses emerged, standing in harmony against the many towering trees. The air had a crisp scent of pine and there were chirping of birds, and the occasional rustle of crunchy leaves provided a soothing soundtrack to their arrival.

This whole place looked like it came from a movie or book.

"The houses didn't look like it changed at all!" Jennie exclaimed, her eyes wide with amusement as she and Summer looked out of the window. "It stayed the same and I love it!"

"This place is beautiful," Summer muttered. It's enchanting even.

Everyone got out once the car was parked. Rex and Michael were the ones who insisted on taking care of the luggage, while the girls immediately ran to the house on the right. The aroma of many different dishes being cooked mixed together in the air - some smelled familiar and some unfamiliar but delicious to Summer either way.

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