Chapter 43.

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Brielle had gotten dressed in a simple grey Adidas tracksuit, ankle socks and slides; before, she went to join her family.

As soon as she entered the living area; all eyes were on her and the teenager greeted the room with a small smile on her face and a confused wave, then, Sir Alexander suggested as he rose to his feet "Well, let us be seated for dinner then??" However, Brielle texted her sister in confusion as everyone rose to their feet "Where's Milana?"

Karmilla looked at her younger sister and then at their mother, who, noticed the interaction and, immediately, asked "What's the matter, girls?" The older woman looked back at Brielle and the teenager texted her mother "Where's Milana??" Katherine replied with a nonchalant shrug "She had to tend to her fiancé and won't be joining us for dinner."

The tall teenager looked at her younger brother as he lowered his head, then, she looked at Aubrey and her cousin avoided eye contact; so, Brielle looked at her stepfather with pleading eyes and he explained "She said she'll join us for breakfast tomorrow; but, she really had to go." She believed the words of the older man and nodded in understanding. Katherine smiled brightly and said as she gestured to the dining room "Let us eat!"

Aubrey, Wednesday and Karter hurried over to the table and sat next to each other; causing Karmilla and Lukas to sit across them while Alexander sat next to his eldest stepdaughter. Katherine, naturally, sat across from her husband and that left Brielle with the seat next to her mother; where, she sat begrudgingly as she mentally cussed out her entire family. Then, the eldest woman said politely to the three waiters standing in the kitchen "You may serve dinner."

As the three began serving the food, Brielle swallowed hard as she found her stomach rumbling from hunger; however, while the rest of the table had French fries, buffalo wings, fried chicken, hot tamales, burritos and tacos.... Brielle was specifically served three drinks and she stared at it in confusion.

"Oh.. you're having a three berry smoothie, a peanut butter and banana smoothie; as well as a mocha for dessert." Katherine instructed her daughter and the teenager furrowed her brows immensely; so, Alexander explained from the the other end of the table "Your jaw is not prepared to chew yet so the brace is keeping it in place for now." The older woman handed her daughter three paper straws and said as she returned the teenagers' stare "Enjoy."

Before Brielle could protest; Karmilla suggested as she took hold of her fiancé's hand and lowered her head "Shall we say a prayer for we eat??" Everyone else held hands and lowered their heads; so, Katherine did the same and forced Brielle to do so as they respected the request. As the Head of the family, Alexander cleared his throat and said in prayer "Lord, bless this food and the hands that prepared it; help it nourish and replenish our health and bless those who do not have. In Jesus's name, we pray..." The table said in unison "Amen."

As soon as they released each other's hands; the table began indulging themselves causing the teenager to flare her nostrils in outrage as she took one straw, opened it and attempted to figure out a way to drink without choking, which, she did and began drinking the sweet and nutty explosion in her mouth; immediately, making her look at her brother with a side eye as she enjoyed the drink. Karter smiled sheepishly as he ate his dinner; feeling his sister's appreciative stare as he avoided it entirely and wanted to forget the fear he felt when he thought he'd lost her.

Suddenly, Lukas said to Brielle "Oh?? You have no idea how thrilling City's games have been since your accident; they're even in the UCL final."

Without hesitation, Aubrey retorted "Of course she wouldn't know, Genius; she was in a coma." Wednesday added with a nonchalant sarcasm "Maybe there's the latest sporting news in the "netherworld", Aubrey..." Karter snickered as he noticed the fury on Karmilla's face, then, she said to her younger cousin "Have you two decided to replace Brielle with her snide remarks?"

"Of course, not..." Wednesday started and Karmilla nodded with her nostrils flared, however, Aubrey added with a wide smile "We just can't understand how you're engaged-"

"Aubrey!" Katherine snapped and cut off her niece; who, smiled sheepishly as she felt her older cousin glaring at her. Brielle texted Aubrey as she watched her mother turn her glare away from her cousin "Joh, Your Aunt has some major issues with you coming for her son-in-law." The teenager chuckled and showed the text to her best friend, who, giggled as Aubrey sat properly and replied to the message.

They're not even married yet.

Imagine how it'll be if they should have kids???

Then Karter can forget about being the favourite.


The two teenage girls chuckled as Brielle smirked at her phone and her mother, immediately, slammed the palm of her hand on the table.

Everyone focused on Katherine as she said "No phones allowed at the dinner table!!!"

"But how will Brielle communica-"

"If she's going to use her phone to make snide remarks and comments about the people seated this table; then, she might as well put it away!!"

"Katherine, breathe.. That's being impulsive."

"Fine!" The older woman sighed as she inhaled deeply, then, she said to the teenagers "No sneaky conversations; Brielle will only text myself or Alex if she has something to say."

Suddenly, Karter's phone pinged and he sputtered as he choked on his laughter; causing everyone to focus on him, so, his mother grabbed his phone from his hands.

Fortunately, the phone locked and Katherine wasn't allowed access to it without a pattern that she didn't know.

The older woman looked at her husband with ferocity and he sighed softly as he said to his son "Unlock the phone, Karter." Brielle shook her head as her brother looked at her for assistance; then, the young man looked at his father and replied "I can't."


"A breach of privacy."

"Who told you that?"

"I Googled it; apparently sharing conversations with other people without someone's permission is illegal and Brielle can have me arrested."

"Uhm...." Alexander hummed as he turned his attention to his wife with genuine confusion.

Katherine rolled her eyes, turned her attention to her son and said firmly "Firstly, Karter, you're not a company; so, that law doesn't technically apply to you. Secondly, I paid for this phone with my hard earned money; so, I can be granted access to it whenever I want. And finally, if you don't open this fucking phone, right now...."

"Or what??" The younger teenager asked with widened eyes as he stared into his mother's eyes and expected a reply; that, never came and Karter, immediately, looked at Brielle and whispered panicky "She's leaving the rest to my imagination, Brie!!!!"

Flaring her nostrils in defeat, Brielle nodded and her younger brother took his phone from their mother; before, he unlocked it and handed it back to Katherine, who, glared at her youngest daughter in anger as soon as she saw what Brielle had sent to Karter.

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