Chapter 41.

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"Hey wena, Nkosazana!! Vuka!"

IsiZulu to English Translation: "Hey you, Princess!! Wake up!!"

The voice was heavy and echoed against the walls.

"Vuka, Ntombi!!"

IsiZulu to English Translation: "Wake up, Girl!!"

"Yini???!!" Brielle replied instinctively and her eyes shot open.

IsiZulu to English Translation: "What???!!"

"You do not speak to your elders like that!" The familiar female voice snapped at the younger woman and Brielle turned to face the woman.

It was the former Regent of the Sotho people, the Zulu born and raised Princess and Brielle's paternal grandmother; Sibonguthando Ntombifuthi Khubekha. With a sunkissed dark brown skin that had aged fairly well for a 74 year old woman as she lacked a great deal of wrinkles, nut brown eyes filled with wisdom, a slightly hunched back and a neatly kept afro held together by a traditional string of lavender color.

Once a revered figure as the wife of a Sotho Chief, then, respected as a Regent once her husband passed and left his throne for their eldest son; however, she passed under suspicious circumstances and her death took a toll on her granddaughter as she had a deep bond with the older woman.


Brielle, immediately, assumed that she had died and was about to be accompanied into the Underworld by her grandmother as soon as she took in the full sight of the elderly woman in front of her.

"Oh my God?!! He killed me?? He killed for Evangelista?? Evangelista????!!" The tall teenager spoke to herself as she found herself unraveling from paranoia.

Holding her head in her hands as she walked around, Brielle spoke "How could he kill me for her?? To keep a fucking secret??! We could've come to an agreement!! We could've-"

"Shut up!!!" The 'ghost' of Brielle's grandmother roared and the teenager's mouth, immediately, snapped shut as she furrowed her brows in confusion. "We don't have much time; but, I am here to tell you that you must be prepared for what comes next..." The older woman said ominously as she moved closer to her frozen granddaughter, then, she continued "You must succeed your mother and your sister must be careful of her fiancé; everything is not as it seems and you are your family's only chance at survival."

Staring into Brielle's soul, the elderly woman concluded "You are the heir to so much greatness, Bongiwe; all you have to do is talk less and listen more." The teenager furrowed her brows in confusion; however, her grandmother, or the figment of her, had released her and said as she began moving towards a tunnel in the large cave "Vula mlongo, ntombazani."

IsiZulu to English Translation: "Close your mouth, girl child."

Then, the young woman was left alone in the wide cave.

Looking around in confusion, Brielle took in her surroundings as she whispered to herself "Now what-"

And just like that; the teenager found herself, suddenly, being awoken by a mind numbing shock that shot through her entire body.

With her eyes wide from the sudden shock, Brielle, instinctively, jerked upright; only to be held down by the hands of a plethora of nurses and doctors as she panicked.

Unfortunately, the shock had caused Brielle's body to shut down as soon as she began to calm down.


The teenager was embraced by a deep sleep and she found herself in her childhood bedroom in the UK.

Brielle was confused by the sight around her.

Living in the lap of luxury had caused Brielle's room styles to constantly change as she aged and at the age of five-years-old; her bedrooms at all her family homes were filled with a plethora of astronomical phenomenons, artificial stars and a wide range of planets that the child had painstakingly made by herself.

The roof and walls were covered by a dark paint and highlighted by various speckles of glow-in-the-dark paint to appear as stars whilst various planets (known and imagined) hung from the ceiling above the open canopied bed, flanked by two dark wood dressers and the various complementary furniture to accommodate the needs of the curious child; like, the table in the far right corner dedicated to Brielle's creative spurs, the flatscreen TV and dove grey loveseat facing it.

The space was a custom design for the child; but,bit had remained a vague memory to the teenager.

With her brows furrowed immensely as she turned to the bedroom door; the teenager carefully left the room and entered the hallway.

Then, it hit her.

Like Deja Vu; it came back to Brielle.

The day there had been an terrorist attack on her family Manor and she had hit her head; unfortunately, she had not remembered how exactly she managed to topple down the stairs and knock her head, but, Brielle knew it was because of foul play.

And right on cue..

Karmilla had ran around the corner at the end of hallway screaming for her to run and Brielle headed straight ahead of her older sister as she, immediately, noticed the panic in her eyes.

Unfortunately, as always, Brielle had reached the other corner to fast and stumbled over her feet as she hurried to get back to her escape attempt; just as her sister sprinted right past her.

The teenager, instinctively, fumbled to her feet and ran after Karmilla; only to be tripped by the carpet running down the hallway, but, Brielle did not trip over her feet...

Just as she remembered....

However, as the younger woman attempted to regain her balance; she spotted it.

The culprit.

At the end of the hallway, Karmilla stood and watched the child fumble to stand; only to pull the rug forward as soon as Brielle came close to standing properly and, immediately, tripped the child.

With tears in her eyes as she relived her memory; Brielle fell onto her back with a heavy thud and hit her head so hard that she blacked out....

It was like a warm hug to Brielle; truthfully..

She enjoyed the peace she felt as she laid unconscious...

But, once again; she was disturbed...

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