Chapter 42.

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The teenager opened her eyes and stared at the familiar sight of her bedroom ceiling from Karmilla's place.

She, immediately, attempted to smirk as she looked around; however, the teenager's eyes shot wide from fear as soon as she realised that she couldn't move her mouth. Brielle let out a groggy groan as she slowly sat upright and her actions caused the figure hunched next to her bedside to sit up; revealing a very disgruntled and fearful Milana.

The older woman's eyes shot wide as she moved closer to the teenager, who, attempted to talk with tears in her bright eyes; so, Milana explained "You hurt your jaw when you tripped in the bathroom and they had to wire your jaw shut in order to restore it since you dislocated it entirely.." Brielle listened in confusion, but, Milana continued with her worry evident in her eyes as she held onto the tall teenager's hand "I was so scared when I found you laying on the floor and not moving; I thought that I'd lost you-"

Suddenly, Karter walked into the bedroom and Milana, instantly, sat upright as she faced him.

"You're awake?? Good; Your mother is coming to check up on you and she'll be very happy to see that you're awake." The younger boy said as he crossed the room and addressed his sister, then, he turned to the older woman and said "My sister is calling you; something about Malkolm calling obsessively." Milana rolled her eyes as she faced Brielle; before, she asked the silent teenager "Do you need any help getting ready?"

Brielle slowly nodded her head, so, Karter backed out of the room with his hands raised in defeat as he said, more to himself than the women, "I guess I should just get ready for dinner instead." The younger boy left the room, closed the door behind him and allowed the pair privacy once again. They stared into each other's eyes with glittering adoration and the silence spoke on behalf of them.

Then, Milana spoke as she began fidgeting with the bedsheets "You've been in bed for days and I'm sure that your body is going to have a hard time adjusting to walking again." Brielle furrowed her brows and tapped lightly on her shoulder; causing the older woman to face her as she made a cellphone gesture with her hand and, immediately, alerting Milana of her request. She reached over, grabbed the cellphone and handed it over to its rightful owner; so, Brielle unlocked it, went to her notes and typed out "How long was I out for?"

"I don't know.. About two and a half weeks?" The older woman replied and the teenager's eyes shot wide from shock; however, Milana elaborated "You came home last Sunday since the surgery was a success; only thing is.. you've been in and out of consciousness so much that everyone began worrying." Brielle cleared her previous question and typed out onto the device, before, she showed it to the woman "And my mother had me brought home?"

The older woman nodded, so, Brielle slowly nodded as she typed out swiftly "So, she's not mad anymore??" Milana replied as soon as she read the question "She'll probably be more focused on the fact that you're healthy and safe and awake." The teenager meekly shrugged her shoulders, then, she typed out "Well, I should get ready to greet her then."

Slowly, Brielle was helped out of her comfortable bed by the older woman, then, she was escorted to the bathroom while slowing regaining feeling in her cramping body; then, they reached the space and Milana helped the teenager out of her pyjamas whilst the bathtub filled up with warm water, before, she helped her into the bathtub. Brielle's body, immediately, relaxed in the warm embrace and she sighed loudly as her eyes slipped close; then, Milana whispered softly as she stared at the peaceful looking younger woman "I'm glad you're alright; truly...."

The teenager's eyes fluttered open and she looked up at the older woman with a small smirk on her face, so, Milana rose to her feet and said as she dried her hands on a small towel "I'm going to let you get done at your own pace and I'll be in the kitchen, okay? Text me if you need anything." Brielle nodded slowly and the older woman left the younger woman alone as she took a much needed soak in the tub.

Brielle had taken her sweet time in the tub as her body slowly began feeling normal, then, she climbed out and wrapped a thick towel around her body once she felt satisfied with her level of cleanliness; before, she moved over to the vanity mirror and stared at her reflection.

There hadn't been much to show since Brielle's "accident"; only the sudden growth in her jaw shape and size as the metal wired held her mouth shut.

Then, it hit her.

Quickly, the teenager began inspecting her mouth to search for any openings for nutrition and she found one on each side of her mouth; causing her to relax as she exhaled in relief.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and it was opened without hesitation.

"God.." Katherine gasped as she looked at her tall daughter in disbelief, then, she hurried over to her and embraced her with a different type of love that Brielle was confused; so, she returned the gesture and waited for her mother to pull away. Gently clasping her face in her palms as she stared at her child, Katherine said softly "You had me worried about you." Brielle shrugged and then it hit the older woman that her daughter was incapable of speaking.

The older woman said "I completely forgot about the no talking aspect; but, don't worry.. You were unconscious for so long that most of the healing process happened while you were knocked out..." Then, she added "Hurry now and get done; we'll be waiting for you in the dining room." Brielle nodded and her mother softly kissed her forehead.

Katherine ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, clasped her face and sighed softly as she stared at her face. Brielle watched her mother leave the room, before, she made her way over to her closet and rummaged through it in search of clothing.

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