One big orgy!

61 1 3

Third Person Pov

9:50 pm Tokyo, Japan (Akashi's family home)

"I can't believe he actually didn't come" Aomine says noticing that Kise was the only one missing from their meeting.

"I'm actually not surprised he didn't come, he was with Kuroko after all"
Midorima replies, the three of them sat in Akashi's living room waiting for him to get there.

Murasakibara sitting down on the couch happily eating the snacks Akashi had prepared for him.

Akashi is scary when he wants to be  so Kise not being there when attendance is mandatory is not a good sign.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting" Akashi says as he walks into the room where Aomine , Midorima and Murasakibara were waiting for him.

Akashi sits down on his chair before looking at them "let's get this meeting started now , where is kise?" Just as he asks Akashi's phone rings looking at the contact he sees Kise's name.

Picking up the phone Akashi speaks into the phone expecting the person on the other side of the line to be Kise.

But was taken a back when the person who answered him definitely wasn't Kise.

"Kise where are you? I specifically said in the group chat that all attendance is required for this meeting." Akashi says his voice distant and cold.

"Sorry to disappoint you love but Kise's a little busy a the moment I called to inform that he won't be making it tonight. I take full responsibility for his absence after all I am the one keeping him busy."

Kuroko says his voice deep and breathy, Akashi immediately tenses up when he hears Kuroko's voice instead of Kise's.

Akashi doesn't say anything but freezes when he hears Kise's voice whimpering and moaning in the background, the sound of skin slapping against eachother loud near Akashi's ear.

"I apologize for his absence again love, well we'll let you guys get back to it, see you around soon." Kuroko says his voice deep and gruff before hanging up leaving Akashi all flustered.

"What. The. Fuck?" What the fuck was right indeed Akashi didn't know what to say or do he was completely flustered by hearing Kuroko's voice and the sound of them making love well they talked on the phone.

Other then feeling flustered Akashi low-key felt kind of turned on which made him mentally curse himself.

Not knowing what to do Akashi cancels their meeting letting everyone go home before locking himself in his room touching himself at the thought of sexing a certain blue haired daddy.

Meanwhile - somewhere in the middle of Tokyo, Japan.

"I've had enough! I can't wait any longer, I need to be near him he's just so sexy I can't get enough of him." The voice says sounding very impatient.

"You should know by now that patience is virtue all good things come when all is due, but for now just have patience Alice."

Alice rolls her eyes before angrily leaving the room.

Fuck Brent I won't let him harm my tetsu, blood or not I will destroy him if needed Alice thinks to herself as she walks into her own room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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