In America

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2 weeks since Kuroko left Japan

Kuroko's pov
I've been in America for 2 weeks now I've made two friends here who are both Japanese
Kagami Taiga and Himuro Tatsuya they've been teaching me how to speak English I've also met their master in Basketball Alexander Garcia shes a very beautiful blonde lady I've been working out to gain muscle I've also been eating a lot more two weeks ago I didn't eat more then 2 sandwiches but now I can eat a little more

I'm going to do my absolute best to try improve myself I know that it's going to be a lot of work but I'm willing to do it if it means that I get better

Kagami : "oi Kuroko let's start training Tatsuya and Alex are here"
Kuroko : "Hai let's start Kagami kun"

Walking out of our house with Kagami I see Alex and Tatsuya standing near our training station

Alex : " ok we're going to start off by doing 20 miles so start running remember no stopping is aloud"
Kagami/Tatsuya/Kuroko : "Hai"

Alex's Pov
when I first met Kuroko I couldn't sense his talent like I did with others it was like it was invisible just like his presence but now that he's training a lot more he's starting to release a new scent a dangerous one I know with time and alot of practice Kuroko could become a dangerous player one that would succeed if he wanted to

I'm going to do everything that I can to help him release his new found energy I'll make sure that he's trained enough to release his full potential

if we do this right Kuroko could become one of the strongest Japanese basketball player of all time with the addition of Kagami and Tatsuya if they decide to join a team together they could very well become a dangerous combination

Kagami's pov
Alex knows we all hate running but here she is making us run 20 miles Kuroko usually was slow and we'd have to match pace with him but today he seems to be speeding up a little bit, during his stay with us I've noticed that both me and Tatsuya have grown attached to him even Alex seems to have a soft spot for him

Tatsuya : "Damn Kuroko are you ok your speeding today "
Kuroko laughs just shaking his he doesn't stop running he ran all the way to the finish line once he was there we were expecting him to fall down or even faint but he just stayed standing trying to catch his breath after 5 mins of rest we were surprised to see Kuroko running back usually we'd stay an hour before running back but today he seemed to be determined to train

it makes me happy that he's training himself to be better, his love for training and basketball has grown tremendously compared to when he first got here, quickly running to Kuroko me and Tatsuya ran beside him It took us 15 minutes to get back Alex was shocked to see us back so early she wasn't expecting us until later still shocked she took one look at Kuroko and her eyes went even wider she could obviously see something was starting to change with him

Kuroko pov
usually when Alex made us run I'd get tired easily not wanting to finish the run but today it was like my body was starting to get used to all the exercise that we were doing Alex told us to hit the training course she set up while we were out on our run

going up to the course I start to stretch my body then walked over to the rope where we had to pull ourselves all the way to the top after climbing to the top I quickly made my way down

time skip 7 hrs later
we just finished our training I was so tired I decided to go for a shower then head straight to bed going upstairs to my room I shut the door then locked it making my way to the shower I stripped my clothes then turned the shower to the hottest it could go

25 minutes later
after the best shower ever I changed into some pajamas making sure to put my dirty clothes into my basket after I got my school uniform ready as well as the things that I need for school tomorrow I decided to call it a night closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep

*The next morning*
4:30 am in the morning I woke up to my alarm ringing I sat up turning it off then decided to wake up and get my day started I went for a quick shower brushed my teeth put on my work out clothes then headed down stairs with my speaker and my iPhone x max making my way to our house gym I quietly opened then closed the doors quickly turning on the lights

the reason why I love this house so much is because it's sound proof meaning every single room is sound proof you can't hear anything unless you open the door or if your inside of it

turning on the speaker I played my favourite play list to keep me pumped (daechwita - agust d is playing)

1 hour and 45 minutes into my session I was interrupted when Kagami walked in he was shocked to say the least deciding to ignore him I carried on doing my weights

Kagami : "oi kuroko we've gotta get ready for school we leave in 30 minutes Alex wants us down stairs to have breakfast before we leave for school"

Kuroko : "Alright just give me a second"
getting off the bench I grabbed all of the things that I came down stairs with then made my way over to Kagami we turned off the lights then quickly closed up the gym doors running up stairs I went for a much needed hot shower after my shower I brushed my teeth again then put on my school uniform drying my hair I added my vanilla honey suckle scented conditioner leaving my hair slightly messy I tied my school tie before grabbing my school bag, phone, charger and put on my shoes

making my way down stairs to the kitchen I see Alex is down stairs waiting for us

Alex : "Good morning Tetsu how well did you sleep last night? I heard from Taiga that you were in the gym this morning"
Kuroko : "Good morning Alex I slept well last night thank you for asking and yea I was in there eversince 4:30 am"

Alex/kagami/Tatsuya : "4:30 AM!!!"
Kuroko : "yes I believe I said 4:30 am"
I said shrugging my shoulders casually Alex looked at me then said
Alex : "it's starting faster than I expected"
Kagami : "what is Alex?"

Alex : "hes growing stronger by the day his scent is also different it's more powerful and dangerous then it was before if he gets better/ stronger he could be one strong player that could succeed that's if he wanted to but with the addition of you and Tatsuya if you guys chose to go to the same school/team then y'all would be a dangerous combination for your opponents"

Tatsuya : "so your saying we're good by ourselves but stronger together?"
Alex : " that's exactly what I'm saying "
Kuroko : "how exactly are we supposed to that when I'm going back to Japan next year?"

Kagami : "actually me and Tatsuya were talking we decided that we're coming back to Japan with you"
Kuroko : "for holiday?"

Tatsuya : "no Tetsu we're coming to stay with you in Japan you can't say anything to change our minds either"
Kagami : "exactly what Tatsuya said Kuroko you can't change our minds"

Kuroko : "fine 😒"
Alex : "does that mean all of my babies are leaving if you guys leave who's going to annoy me all the time ?"
Kuroko : "we can always visit besides you can't get rid of us that easily 😏😉"
Kagami and Tatsuya also smirk at my comment

Tatsuya : "let's go we're getting late"
Alex : "what about breakfast?"
Kuroko : "we'll get it on the way don't worry we'll see you after school" I said then got up and kissed her on the cheek Kagami and Tatsuya also kissed her cheek

*Time skip to when they got to school*
Kuroko : "thanks for the ride Chris"
Chris : "it's fine boss"

we walked in ignoring the girls trying to get our attention we had all of our classes together which means our first class was Chemistry
getting to class we were greeted by one of our friends Ryan we did our handshakes then sat down at our usual seats

*time skip to P.E cause I don't know what to write 😩😩*

Teacher : "ok today the boys are playing basketball and the girls are playing dodge ball ok girls go to the other gym boys go change and start warming up" nodding we all ran to the locker room changing into a shirt and shorts coming out of the locker rooms we noticed that Alex was here as well

Kuroko : "Alex?"
Kagami : "what are you doing here Alex?"

authors note : alright that's the end of this chapter hope it wasn't too long sorry if it was a little boring the excitement comes soon I promise x see you guys in the next chapter 🤍

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