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3rd Point of view
It was the last championship that the Generation of miracles were playing together before they all graduated middle school and advanced to High school, every single one of them less motivated then before, less motivated because of the fact that they knew what the outcome was going to be, they all knew who was going to win ,they knew who was going to come out on top, It was them they were going to win, their victory was already secured they had nothing to worry about

Today was that day the day that they would play one last game together as a team before they graduated and separated ways, the Generation of miracles made it to the stadium 3 minutes before they played

Aomine : "tch I don't even know why I showed up to this game, we already know who's going to win so why should we put any effort into this when we already won?"
Midorima : " the reason why we come here in the first place is so that we actually win the game instead of throwing it"

Kuroko : "don't you guys get it you've all already thrown all of our games, you compete with eachother to see who gets the most points, when you should be playing as a Team"

Aomine : " oi Tetsu it shouldn't really matter if we play together or by our selves as long as we win none of that really matters, plus it's getting tiring playing basketball when there's no one good enough that can beat us"
Murasakibara : "I completely agree with mine chin"

Kuroko : " you know what never mind, you guys will never understand"

Random person : "the final match between teiko middle school and -  will now begin" * I left it blank there cause I don't know any middle schools they faced, so with that being said please forgive me 🤍*

The Generation of miracles
Were winning 70 - 5  by the time Kise made the last point the horn beeped letting everyone know it was half time, barely out of breath the generation of miracles sat down on the bench, kuroko sat on the bench with his mind made up he decided that after this game he would leave Teiko

Kuroko : 💭 I just wish they listened to me for once *sighs*
Akashi : "Tetsuya get ready your playing the last two quarters"
Kuroko : "Hai"

*Whistle blows signaling the start of the 3 quarter*

The game between Teiko and - ended the score 150 - 7 at the end of the championship the Teiko members celebrated their victory no one but Kise noticing Kuroko was missing

Kise : "Aominecchi have you seen kurokocchi? He's been gone for a while"
Aomine : "no I haven't, now that you mentioned it he has been gone for a while,I'll call him to see if he's lost"
*Calls Kuroko*

Aomine : "oi Tetsu where are you? we're looking for you"
Kuroko : "aomine kun tell the team I said goodbye, I'm leaving now you won't see me unless  we're on the court again but this time on opposite sides"

Aomine : "oi Tetsu how could you leave just like that? Why didn't you tell us earlier"
Kuroko : "it's been on my mind for a while I didn't want to say anything because discussing it with you guys would only hurt me even more than you guys already have"

Aomine : "what do you mean by that Tetsu?"
Kuroko : " you guys have always pushed away what I had to say you guys never listened to me, I could handle the rest of the guys pushing me away but what hurt me the most was when you ignored me aomine kun, you were my light I felt the closest with you and I thought you felt the same way but I guess I was wrong"

Aomine : "Tetsu I..."
Kuroko : " it's ok aomine kun just tell the team I said that I wish all of them happiness and success, I'm going to hang up now I hope you find happiness..."
Aomine : " Tetsu don't leave please..."
Kuroko : "I'm sorry aomine kun but the pain is just to much for me to bear😣 Good bye aomine kun take care of yourself"
*Call ends*

Aomine : *whispers* "you are my happiness Tetsu, I shouldn't have pushed you away... I'm so sorry I made you feel hurt that was never my intention"

Aomine was pulled out of his sadness when Kise asked for Kuroko

Kise : "Aominecchi wheres Kurokocchi what did he say?"
Aomine : "he's gone..."
Kise : " what do you mean he's gone?!"

At this point the rest of the generation of miracles were worried for the blue haired boy asking aomine where he was and what happened

Akashi : " what do you mean by gone Daiki?"
Midorima : "is he gone to find momoi?"
Murasakibara : " maybe he's gone to buy snacks"

Aomine : "I don't know where he left to but he said that he wasn't coming back, he said that he wished us all happiness and success"
Kise : "how could he just leave like that without informing us?"
Aomine : " I said the same thing and he said that he couldn't tell us because discussing it with us would only hurt him even more than we already have, we pushed him to the point that he couldn't take it anymore, we hurt him a lot I hurt him a lot"

Aomine :💭 if only you knew how much I loved you

Murasakibara : "maybe we should go to his house see if he's there"

After deciding whether or not to go they all agreed quickly leaving to Kuroko's house none of them were ready to lose him, aomine was the only one that knew the way to Kuroko's house because he's been there many times before

Midorima : " how do you know where Kuroko lives?"
Aomine : " because I've been here before, Tetsu has Invited me to his house many times I've even met his parents"
The other 4 males tried their hardest to contain their jealousy but it was hard when they knew one of them has already been to their crushes house

Aomine : "I'll knock on the door since his parents know me"

Knock knock knock
They all patiently waited for the door to be answered after a few more seconds the door was opened by a very surprised Mrs Kuroko
Who instantly recognised aomine

Mrs Kuroko : " hello Aomine it's been awhile since I've last saw you love why don't you come in"
Aomine : "hello Mrs Kuroko it's ok we're actually in a hurry"

Mrs Kuroko : "oh alright how can I help you?"
Aomine : " I apologize I've been busy lately which is why I haven't come here, these are me and tetsu's basketball team mates our captain Akashi, Midorima, Murasakibara and Kise we're actually looking for Tetsu is he here?"

Mrs Kuroko : " it's nice to meet you all, and tetsu's not here I'm assuming he's told you he's leaving?"
Aomine : "yea he did, I didn't mean to hurt him thats why I'm here to apologize"
Mrs Kuroko: "well your going to have to wait for a while to see him again he's actually gone  to America his father dropped him off to the airport already he should be back soon"

Kise : " America?"
Mrs Kuroko : " yes he asked me and his father if he could go, he said he needed some time away from Japan"
Aomine : " when does he come back?"
Mrs Kuroko : "he'll be back in a year, just give him time, he'll forgive you before you know it"
Aomine : " thank you Mrs Kuroko I'll make sure to come visit soon"
Mrs Kuroko : "please do love now that Tetsu's gone it's going to be boring so please come back all of you"

After talking a little more the 5 young males left Kuroko's house upset with themselves for hurting their crush, they all hoped to see him again so that they can beg for his forgiveness
But no one felt like aomine did he blamed himself for being the reason why Kuroko left the guilt was slowly getting to him he just hoped that when time came Kuroko would forgive him then maybe just maybe he can tell him how he felt

Authors note : hi guys I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter x get ready because the next chapters are going to get interesting 😏 all I'm gonna say is that it's about to be a ride👀☕

- Nina Chin 🌺

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