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Tae: "You are so bad....I have to wash my face and touch up again" - she groaned making kook shake his head and lick her cheek.
Kook: "I can reduce your work to half" - he whispered near her ear making her shiver and clench his shoulders tightly. Kook licked clean her cheek making her gulp hardly.
Kook: "Done now my turn" - he said making tae's eyes widen in shock.


Kook: "I am waiting jaan" - he said making tae lick her lips feeling shy all of sudden.
Tae: "First close your eyes" - she said making kook chuckle and accept her request.
Kook: "It's done..... anything else?" - he asked making tae shook her head and leaned to his face. Kook gulped feeling her hot breath on his face getting excited. Tae took this chance and get up from his lap making him shocked.
Kook: "Come back.....this is not fair Jeon Taehyungie......it's cheating I am telling you come here" - he said chasing her making her laugh and enter in bathroom attached to their office. Kook banged on it for a good five minutes but tae didn't open making him groan.
Choi: "May I come in Boss?" - he asked making kook wipe his cheek instantly and allow him.
Choi: "Where is boss?" - he asked making kook roll his eyes and sit on his chair.
Kook: "Say what you want to I will tell her" - he said looking at laptop sadly making Choi frown because he always seen him smiling at least when tae is around.
Choi: "Your fiance slapped an employee infront of everyone" - he said making kook snapped towards him shockingly.
Kook: "Why?" - he asked standing up to go with him but stopped seeing tae coming out of bathroom.

Kook: "Why?" - he asked standing up to go with him but stopped seeing tae coming out of bathroom

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Choi: "He was talking about you and boss.... saying something is happening between you two" - he said hesitantly making kook clench his jaws.
Choi: "He said you guys are involved in some forbidden relationship which angers her and she slapped him" - he said not noticing tae standing behind him.
Kook: "Who is he?" - he asked darkly making tae clear her throat.
Tae: "Handle this matter for me Mr.Choi.....make sure it doesn't go outside of company.....you can leave now" - she said in her ordering tone making Choi node and went out.
Kook: "You should fire him.....how dare he disrespect you?....his boss who treats them so nicely.....leave it to me I will teach him a good lesson" - he said agitatedly making tae hold his wrist before he stormed out of cabin and create a scene.
Tae: "It's not a big deal....you don't worry about it ....Mr.Choi will handle the situation more nicely" - she said blankly making kook shut his eyes to calm his nerves because he can't bare any disrespect towards his Taehyungie.
Tae: "Get back to work" - she said seriously and went to her seat making kook stare her scaredly.
Kook: "Are you fine?" - he asked moving to her seat making tae stop him showing her hand.
Tae: "It's office and we come here to work.....leave other things for home....now don't disturb me" - she said coldly making kook bite his lips to hold his emotions.

now don't disturb me" - she said coldly making kook bite his lips to hold his emotions

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