Part 5

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It had been a week since Smarty gave her little lore dump so school was out now. Simon had packed a bag for the summer trip he would be going on with Ben.

Simon: Mia! You ready to go!?

Mia: Almost!

Simon walks out of his room, putting his bags down.

Mimi: Boof.

Simon looks down at the dog.

Simon:... What are we gonna do with Mimi!?

Mia: We're talking her with us! I have some food and stuff for her packed up in the kitchen!

Simon: ok!

He walks to the kitchen, finding the surprisingly heavy bag and taking it back to the door. Mia came out of her room with her stuff.

Mia: we ready?

Simon: yep, just waiting for them to get here.

*beep beep*


Simon: looks like they're here then.

He looks to the bags he set down before getting an idea, quickly summoning Saber Tooth.

Saber Tooth: Hiya Master!

Simon: Hey, can you help us carry our bags please?

Saber Tooth: Yeah, Yeah!

She picks up the bags with relative ease. Simon opens the door as the 4 walk out, Mia setting the security alarm before locking the door. The door to the camper opens.

Ben: hey guys!

Simon: hey!

Mimi ran up to the door, Gwen quickly getting out and picking up the dog into a hug.

Gwen; yay! Mimi's coming!

Mia: well we can't leave her home alone so, we thought we'd just take her. Is that alright?

Max: it's fine with me! Come on everyone, let's beat the traffic and get a move on!

After getting everyone on, Grandpa Max starts the car and drives away from the house.

Mia: So. do we have a plan or...

Max: Not entirely. We're just going to go around, practice training with the aliens, have fun and stop any crime we see on the way.

Mia: oh, ok.

Gwen: Where are we heading to first Grandpa?

Max: Well, a week ago when Ben found his watch, I was showing him a nearby campsite I was planning to take him and you. So, why don't we start there? It's far away from society so we won't have to be too secretive.

Ben: oh, yeah!

Gwen: Heh. I guess that day was so eventful, I must of forgotten why we were there to begin with, hehe.

Simon: Eh, makes sense.

Time skip—

The van was parked at the campsite. Simon and been stood a bit away with everyone else standing off to the side.

Max: ok. Are we ready!?

Ben: yep!

Simon: y-yeah.

Max: ok. How about we start with something simple. Both of you, bring out Four Arms and Quarterback!

Both of them activate their watches.

Both of them activate their watches

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