Part 4

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Simon was sitting at the lunch table. Next to him was Ben. Simon had a piece of paper with the names of his aliens written down on them all connecting to Ben's aliens. However, there were a few off to the side.

Ben: it's unfair that you get 18 and I only get 10.

Simon: Well... technically 1 of them doesn't work so... 17...?

Ben: Still.

Simon: So... how did you find your watch?

Ben: A few weeks ago I found it in the woods. It stuck to me and I've been unable to get it off since.

Simon: Oh, same for me.

Ben; So, after school, can I show you how to fight and stuff?

Simon: ummm... s-sure.

Gwen sat down next to them.

Gwen: Hey Simon. Grandpa Max was wondering if you would be travelling with us this summer. Y'know. Help get you're aliens ready for being heroes and stuff?

Simon: Oh. Umm, I'd have to ask Mia about that. But I think she'll say yes.

Gwen:... you know you don't have to listen to her, right?

Simon: Yeah but she's my sister. I still want to ask for her approval.

Gwen: Heh. Ben, take notes.

Ben: you take notes.

He says angrily while crossing his arms.

Simon: Well anyway, I'll ask my sister tonight.

Gwen: hmm. ok, if you insist.

She says, eating the cookie she bought at the cafeteria.

Ben: So apparently there are like, a billion more locked away! We should work on unlocking them!

Gwen: No! Why would we do that!?

Simon: y-yeah?

Ben: More aliens, more ways to help people, more fun for me.

He explains.

Simon: Yeah... but more stress for me...

Ben: Well you don't have to unlock yours if you don't have to. But I wanna unlock mine!

Simon: how exactly?

Ben:... we should find out!

The bell rang.

Ben: After school!

After School--

The 3 were now walking to Simon's house.

Gwen: So you have 17 instead of the usual 10?

Simon: yes. Plus one who I see more as a number zero.

Gwen: Well that's interesting... heh. I see why Ben wants to unlock his watch then.

Ben: Yeah! It's unfair!

Gwen:... so... wanna tell us what this "gross" part of your watch is?

Simon: i don't.

Ben: We wanna know!

Simon: but... it's weird...

Gwen: c'mon! We won't stop asking until you tell us!

Ben: Yeah! Tell us!

Simon: ehhh... In case any species goes extinct... it helps... keep them around...

Ben: How is that gross!?

Simon:... through b-breeding.

Ben:... oh.

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