chapter four

342 41 19

i need you

"woah, woah, jisung? are you good?" changbin places a comforting hand on the boys shoulder, shaking him gently.

"n-no... fuck— i'm sorry..." he stutters, blinking rapidly as he tries his hardest to calm himself. he felt shaky, nauseous, and scared. and for the life of him, he just couldn't get himself to calm down. he was never good at managing his own attacks.

"do you need water? i mean, how can we help?" chan asks worriedly.

"i— i need her..." unfortunately for jisung, the two men had no idea who 'her' could possibly be.

"jisung, who? is there someone we can call?" changbin pries. jisung only nods, bringing a shaky hand up to point to his phone on the table. chan wastes no time grabbing it, at first planning to hand it to jisung, but it was evident he wouldn't be able to do anything with it himself. so chan quickly unlocks it, finding his contacts.

"who?" chan asks again.

"s-she's the first contact..." chan nods, tapping on the contact, bringing the phone to his ear as it begins to ring.

and he waits.

and waits.

the phone rings.

and rings.

"your call has been forwarded—"

chan hangs up, pressing on the contact yet again, sending through another call.

"your call has been forwarded—"

"jisung, she's not picking up." chan tells him, looking at him with worried eyes.

"fuck she— she really hates me... i fucked up..." jisung shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut as his breathing shallows.

"dude— you need to breathe." changbin pats his back, trying his hardest to help.

"jisung, talk to us, whatever happened i'm sure it's fine, i'm sure she's just busy." chan tries to comfort, hoping that if he could get jisung to talk, his breathing would regulate.

"n-no... she... she's never..." jisung pauses as the sound of his phone ringing fills the room, and for a moment, hope fills his body. chan quickly answers the call, but the person on the other line speaks before he could get the chance to.

"han jisung, you better have a good explanation for this." the voice confused chan, his brows furrowed as he looks at the two men in front of him, putting the call on speaker before he spoke.

"um... i'm no expert, but this doesn't really sound like 'her'." chan remarks.

"jisung? hello?" the voice speaks again.

"uh, who is this?" changbin takes the phone.

"what— who is this? where is jisung?"

"jisung's right here having a panic attack, now who are you?" changbin asks again.

"t-that's minho..." jisung speaks up, voice still shaky.

"oh for christ sake. you two are going to give me grays." minho groans. "listen— changbin? was it? give him some ice, text me where you are and i'll be there in a few." and with that, he ends the call.

"he's kinda..."

"rude." chan finishes the sentence for changbin.

"i was gonna say feisty." changbin smirks.

"don't make it weird. go get ice." chan rolls his eyes, moving to take changbin's spot, rubbing jisung's back as he goes to grab ice. "so who is minho?"

"j-just and old friend..."

"sounds like he knows a thing or two." chan tells him, hoping a gentle conversation would help as well, but it didn't seem to be.

"i-i don't know why he's with h-her..." jisung speaks, confusion laced in his shaky tone. "the last time she... she... oh god..." jisung's eyes widened and chan's did as well, fear filling both of their bodies for different reasons.

"jisung! jisung! changbin, hurry up with the ice!" chan yells, watching in horror as quite literally all of the color drained from jisung's face, and he passed out in chan's arms. his body going completely limp as changbin runs back into the room with a cup full of ice.

"what happened?" he asks breathlessly, looking at jisung laying limp in chan's arms.

"he started freaking out even more and he just passed out." chan shrugs, making sure to keep jisung's head propped up.

"i hope minho gets here soon..."

"me too."

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