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2 AM

The clock ticked relentlessly, the kitchen illuminated by a solitary dim light. Yuno sat perched on a bar stool, his gaze fixed on the door, his mind swirling with worry and questions. It had been six agonizing hours since X left, and each passing minute felt like an eternity.

Finally, the door creaked open, breaking the silence of the night. X stepped in, his figure casting a shadow in the dimly lit kitchen. But something was wrong. Yuno's heart skipped a beat as he noticed blood staining X's hands. Panic surged through him as he rushed towards X, his voice trembling with concern.

"X, what happened? Are you hurt?" Yuno's eyes scanned X's body, searching for any signs of injury, but there were none. The blood wasn't his.

X hesitated, his mind racing with thoughts of how Yuno would look at him when he finds out what he did, and the monster that he is. He quickly shrugged Yuno, his tone strained with a mix of dodges and apprehension. "It's not related to you, Yuno. You should go to sleep."

But Yuno wouldn't let it go that easily. His worry for X overshadowed everything else. "But what happened? Why is there blood on your hands?"

X sighed in frustration, his patience wearing thin as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Yuno, it's late. You should be asleep. Go to the room and rest GODAMMIT, YOU ALMOST DIED TODAY" he nearly pleaded, his voice laced with exasperation.

Yuno's heart sank at X's tone, but he knew arguing wouldn't help. Reluctantly, he turned towards the room, his mind still plagued with worry for X. As he hurried away, X made his way to the sink, silently washing the blood from his hands before passing out on to the living room couch.

Next Morning,

The morning light filtered through the curtains, gently illuminating the cozy bedroom where Yuno had surprisingly slept well. The softness of the bed and the presence of his favorite bear had brought him comfort amidst the worries of the previous night.

Just as Yuno began to stir from his slumber, his peaceful reverie was shattered by the sound of bickering echoing from upstairs. Confusion etched across his face as he strained to catch the words drifting down from above.

Curiosity piqued, Yuno threw off the covers and made his way upstairs. As he reached the landing, he found himself face to face with Benji and Raymond engaged in a tense conversation.

"He's gone alone to Sandy Shores to the CG base," Benji's voice carried a note of urgency as he relayed the news to Raymond. "He dropped the USB there yesterday during the shootout. He left a note, saying he made a mistake and he'll fix it on his own."

Yuno's heart skipped a beat at the revelation, his mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "What?" he blurted out, his voice tinged with disbelief and concern.

The sudden interruption caused everyone to turn towards Yuno, their eyes widening in surprise at his presence. For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air as Yuno stood there, his expression a mixture of shock and worriedness. 


In the dimly lit room, shadows danced menacingly across the walls, casting an eerie glow on the scene unfolding within. X hung limply from chains, his body battered and bruised, blood trickling down his face in rivulets. The metallic tang of blood lingered in the air, mixing with the acrid scent of fear.

Standing before him were members of the Chang Gang, their faces obscured by the shadows, their presence looming like dark specters. Their voices dripped with malice as they taunted X, their words laced with cruelty.

"You came back for this," one of them sneered, holding up a USB drive tauntingly before X's eyes. "For this little USB?"

X's breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled against his restraints, his eyes burning with defiance despite the pain coursing through his body. He knew the importance of that USB, the information it held, probably related to heists in the city. No one has robbed anything in this city since coming back. X wanted to be the first, first in everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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