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6PM, The Company HQ

As Yuno was dragged into the house, by the interns cum bodyguards in suits, his eyes widened in awe at the lavish surroundings. Considering the state of the economy, it was a rarity to find such opulence. He couldn't help but wonder who could afford such a luxurious abode in these troubled times. Nevertheless, he was led further inside, his mind racing with questions.

House in southside from outside looked normal, it was a corner house. From inside the interior was lavish, designed by Raymond. First floor of the house had a open plan kitchen and living room along with a bathroom. Downstairs, were the 5 rooms of all Company bois- Mickey, Ott, Benji, Raymond and Jean Paul. While another downstairs level was dedicated to company mining and crafting workspace.

Finally, he was brought to a room and instructed to stay there until X arrived. The door clicked shut behind him, leaving him alone in the dimly lit space. Fatigue washed over him, his muscles aching from the events of the day. He surveyed the room, noting its emptiness. It seemed as if the person who stays in this room rarely spent time here, the air stagnant and untouched.

His eyes fell upon the bed, and there it was—a golden yellow teddy bear resting on the pristine sheets. Recognition flooded through Yuno as he realized it was his childhood companion, the same one he had brought with him from Liberty City seven years ago, before his life took a drastic turn.  He had given it to X before the Rainbow Road heist, a token of their bond and a familiar presence he had always kept in his car. 

Shock coursed through him as he realized that this was X's room. He had never imagined that X would keep the bear, let alone place it on his bed. 

Shaking off his surprise, Yuno decided to take a shower, hoping to wash away the exhaustion and tension that clung to him like a second skin. He emerged from the bathroom clad in a loose white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, a towel draped over his head as he attempted to dry his hair. But as he raised his arm, a sharp pain shot through his muscles, a reminder of the physical toll of their recent endeavors.

8 PM

As the door clicked open, Yuno's heart leaped in his chest, hoping against hope that it would be X. And there he was, standing in the doorway, his gaze fixed on Yuno as if he were the only thing that mattered in the world. Yuno sat on the bed, his eyes fixed on X, a mixture of longing and uncertainty swirling within him. X's gaze lingered on Yuno, taking in every detail of his soft, vulnerable appearance, from his perfectly revealed face to his semi-dry hair.  Yuno felt exposed under X's scrutiny, his soft appearance seemingly captivating the other man.

X wasted no time, stepping closer to Yuno and tenderly drying his hair with a towel. Yuno's breath caught in his throat as X's fingers brushed against his skin, sending shivers down his spine. For a moment, it felt as though time stood still, the world narrowing down to just the two of them. X held Yuno's face in his hand, cupped it softly and leaned closer, Yuno's heart filling with butterflies.

As X leaned in closer, Yuno's heart pounded in anticipation, his lips tingling with the promise of a kiss. But then X noticed the injury on Yuno's face, a small cut near his temple, and he hesitated. Backing away, he retrieved the first aid kit, his movements betraying a hint of concern. 

Yuno watched silently as X tended to his wound, his mind racing with unspoken questions and unfulfilled desires. Yuno silently watched X as he with utmost focus was fixing Yuno's injury.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Yuno spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do I still have a place in your heart?" It was a question that had been weighing heavily on his mind, a question he needed to ask, even if he feared the answer. Yuno and X never actually got together, but Yuno remembers the Rainbow Road heist where X kissed him. 

X's expression softened as he reached out to hold Yuno's arm, a silent gesture of reassurance. But before he could respond, Yuno winced in pain, and X's gaze shifted to the bruises that marred his skin. With a heavy heart, X removed Yuno's t-shirt, revealing the extent of the damage.

Yuno felt exposed, his scars laid bare for X to see. And then came the crushing blow, as X uttered those words that shattered Yuno's world into a million pieces. "No," X's voice was like a dagger to Yuno's heart, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "I have you for myself as a slave now. I need a hacker, and you're just a hacker to me, nothing more."

Tears welled up in Yuno's eyes as he realized the truth, that he was nothing more than a means to an end for X. His body trembled with silent sobs as he watched X turn to leave, his heart breaking with each step the other man took. His body, scarred and bruised, was a reminder of his insignificance in X's eyes. 

Meanwhile, Mickey stood silently in the doorway, his heart heavy with sorrow as he witnessed the heartbreaking scene unfolding before him. X's instructions snapped him out of his reverie, and he nodded in understanding.

"I'll take care of Yuno," Mickey assured, his gaze filled with concern. "But where are you going? After everything that's happened?"

X's response was simple yet cryptic. "To smoke."


Mickey approached Yuno with a gentle expression, his expression filled with empathy as he sat down beside him on the bed. "Hey, Yuno," he began softly, his voice a soothing balm to Yuno's wounded soul. "I know things are tough right now, but I need you to listen to me."

Yuno looked up at Mickey, his eyes red-rimmed from tears, but he nodded, willing to hear what Mickey had to say.

"X may not have said the right words, but trust me when I say he cares about you more than anyone else in the company," Mickey said earnestly, his gaze unwavering. "The lengths he goes to save you, it's insane. You're the one who brings out some sort of humanity in him when everyone thinks there's none in him."

Yuno's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind clouded with hurt and doubt. "I don't understand," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "He said... he said I'm just a hacker to him."

Mickey sighed, a pang of sympathy coursing through him as he saw the pain etched on Yuno's face. "I know it's hard to see right now, but trust me, he's not good with words," Mickey reassured him. "You make him a better person, and sometimes, the worst too. But that doesn't change the fact that he cares about you, in his own way."

Yuno remained silent, the weight of Mickey's words sinking in as he struggled to make sense of his emotions.

"Listen," Mickey said gently, placing a comforting hand on Yuno's shoulder. "Why don't you rest up for a bit? And then come to the kitchen for some food and coffee. It'll do you good."


Dimly Lit Room, Old Chicken Factory

X stands before Ramee, his face obscured by shadows as he brandishes a blade with a chilling calmness. Ramee is bound and gagged, his muffled screams echoing off the walls as he struggles against his restraints. 

With a sinister grin, X leans in close, his blade carving intricate patterns into Ramee's flesh. Each cut elicits a sharp cry of pain from Ramee, his body writhing in agony as X works methodically, his movements precise and deliberate. X had counted all the bruises on Yuno, and is now giving double the time to Ramee.


OOC AUTHOR'S NOTE- Oof, this chapter was the most insane one to write yet, X wants Yuno but his mind hasn't accepted that he is actually in love with Yuno. Meanwhile Yuno knows what he feels for X, and has always felt since day one, seven years ago. And the last scene is so evil... im happy tho with the direction of the story rn, so much more to come..

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