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5 years ago, Los Santos

Yuno, now 21 years old and known as "Cheatcode," rose to fame as the best hacker in the city, he found himself deeply embedded in the criminal underworld under the mentorship of Mr. Lang, a powerful businessman who operated under the guise of a legitimate entrepreneur. Behind the facade of his legal businesses like Cerberus and Roosters Rest, Mr. Lang wielded immense influence as a criminal mastermind and mafia family boss.

Two years prior, when rumors swirled about Yuno's miraculous hacking skills and his one-shot success at the Fleeca Bank, Mr. Lang saw an opportunity. Recognizing Yuno's potential, he took him under his wing, grooming him for more ambitious heists and complex hacks. Yuno's loyalty to Mr. Lang ran deep, forged through years of guidance and trust.

Mr. Lang's vast empire spanned numerous businesses, including Cerberus and Roosters Rest, a Japanese restaurant where Yuno had once toiled as an unpaid janitor. It was there that Mr. Lang recognized Yuno's potential, taking him under his wing two years' prior when rumors of Yuno's miraculous hacking abilities began to circulate.

With Mr. Lang's guidance, Yuno honed his skills, tackling increasingly difficult hacks and heists with unprecedented success. Despite his humble beginnings, Yuno proved himself to be a valuable asset to Mr. Lang's organization, his loyalty unwavering as he climbed the ranks within the family.

Under Mr. Lang's tutelage, Yuno had become more than just a skilled hacker; he had become a trusted confidant and ally. Their bond forged through years of collaboration and mutual respect, Yuno remained fiercely loyal to Mr. Lang, willing to go to any lengths to uphold the family's interests.

The air crackled with anticipation as Yuno dialed Mr. Lang's number, his heart pounding with excitement as he pitched his audacious plan to rob the three major banks in Los Santos. At the same time, X, the legendary Ghost Rider, also reached out to Mr. Lang with a similar proposition. Sensing the potential for a lucrative opportunity, Mr. Lang agreed to orchestrate a meeting between the two parties at Vinewood Boulevard.

As the appointed time approached, Mr. Lang and his trusted getaway planner, Mickey, stood in the quite parking lot corner, smoking cigarettes as they plotted the intricate details of the heist. Their minds buzzed with ideas and strategies, the promise of a million-dollar score hanging tantalizingly in the air.

Yuno arrived at the rendezvous point, his eyes widening in surprise as he spotted a Sultan MK II parked nearby—the very same car X was known to favor. A sense of awe washed over Yuno as he realized the significance of the coincidence, but he brushed it off, parking his own Sultan MK II beside it without a second thought.

Yuno got out of his car and walked towards the three guys. There, in the midst of the gathering, stood X, his presence commanding attention as he exuded an aura of confidence and authority. Yuno's heart raced with a mixture of admiration and nervousness as he took in the sight of the man who had inspired him to reach for greatness. Yuno couldn't believe his eyes, he was seeing X after two years, after the night Yuno hacked his first bank, he tried to find X but he couldn't.

As the storm raged outside, Yuno couldn't believe his luck. Here he was, standing alongside his idol, X, planning the greatest heist Los Santos had ever seen. Despite X's cold demeanor, Yuno couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

Hours were spent meticulously crafting their getaway plan, incorporating cars, boats, jet skis, and planes to ensure a seamless escape. With Mickey, Mr. Lang's trusted getaway planner, by their side, they fine-tuned every detail until they were ready to put their plan into action.

As they embarked on their daring robbery spree, Yuno felt a sense of exhilaration unlike anything he had ever experienced. First, they hit the Fleeca Bank, where Mickey's hacking skills proved invaluable. Then, they moved on to Paleto, where X's expertise cracked the vault wide open.

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