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Dimly Lit Room, somewhere in Chang Gang base

Yuno's eyes flutter open to the sensation of water splashing against his face, jolting him awake. Blinking away the grogginess, he finds himself met with a chilling sight—Vinnie standing before him, flanked by Mr. K and Ramee, engaged in a hushed conversation.

Yuno's heart pounds in his chest as he takes in his surroundings. He's tied to a chair, his limbs bound tightly, rendering him immobile. Panic rises within him as he struggles to recall how he ended up in this dire situation.

YUNO: (voice trembling) W-What's going on? Why am I tied up?

Vinnie merely shrugs in response, a sinister smirk playing on his lips as he turns to address Mr. K. Sensing Yuno's confusion, Mr. K steps forward, his gaze cold and calculating.

MR. K: Yuno, let's not make this any more difficult than it needs to be. We're here for information, plain and simple. You tell us what we want to know, and you won't be harmed. It's as simple as that.

Yuno's mind races as he struggles to comprehend the gravity of the situation. He has no idea what information they're after, let alone how to provide it. Before he can protest, Mr. K's tone grows menacing, his patience wearing thin.

MR. K: But if you insist on playing games, well... let's just say we have other methods of persuasion.

With a swift motion, Mr. K produces a gleaming knife from his belt, brandishing it with a menacing gleam in his eye. Fear grips Yuno's heart as he realizes the true extent of the danger he's in.

YUNO: (voice trembling) P-Please, I don't know what you're talking about! I swear!

But his pleas fall on deaf ears as Mr. K advances, the blade poised to strike. With a sickening realization, the blade meets Yuno's left arm as he shrieks. 


Company Meeting, Rooftop of Laundromat

The tension in the air is palpable as Jean Paul, flanked by his group, tries to focus on the agenda laid out before them. But his thoughts keep drifting back to Yuno, a nagging sense of unease gnawing at his insides.

JEAN PAUL: (trying to focus) Alright, let's get back on track. As we were discussing, the encrypted USB—

Before he can continue, Benji interjects with a grave expression, halting the meeting's momentum.

BENJI: Sorry to interrupt, but I need to bring something to everyone's attention. We've hit a roadblock with the USB decryption. None of our interns have been successful, and without Yuno and Marty, we're at a loss for the next steps.

Jean Paul's unease deepens as Benji's words sink in. The realization that they're stuck without their top hackers sends a ripple of anxiety through the room.

BENJI: And there's another matter. It's about Senior Buns. There's a possible connection of Yuno to Jason's crew.

Before anyone can respond, an intern who was noting down on his notepad named Beverly Breckers speaks up, his voice trembling with urgency.

BRECKERS: Wait, I saw Yuno last night! He was being kidnapped outside the apartments!

Jean Paul's eyes widen in shock, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anger.

JEAN PAUL: (voice rising) What did you just say?

Breckers hurriedly recounts the events he witnessed, describing how he couldn't sleep last night and went out of the apartments at 4 am to get some fresh air. He then saw Yuno being abducted by masked individuals in a van in the early hours of the morning.

Yuno Sykk: Drawn to DangerWhere stories live. Discover now