Friday Breakdown

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    School has ended for the week and every girl was happy about this. Pinkie, as usual, organized a place for them to hangout. On fridays they do that, it's a tradition for the group.
    Rainbow got home, then went straight to her bed. She missed it some much. But suddenly, her phone buzzed, getting a notification. She groaned in annoyance but decided to see who it was.


—GUYS!! I know where to hang out!!~Pinkie

—What is it, darling? ~ Rares

—IT'S A POOL!! At Rarity's place. ~Pinkie

—Hun.. I didn't agree to this but fine, since my house is always open to u girls. ~ Rares

—Um, Pinkie, we should change the location, are u sure it won't bother Rarity? ~ Fluttershy

—Are u serious? You girls never bother me! Why it will be a pleasure to have u all hang out over at my place. ~ Rares

—OOHH GOOD!! What about u, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow and Sunset, are u coming? ~ Pinkie

—Of course! ~ Fluttershy

Rares has added Sunset Shimmer

—OOPS! Silly me, how could i forget!! Sunset wasn't in the group.~ Pinkie

—Hey, girls, what is this about? ~ Sunset Shimmer

—Pool party at my place, darling. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and u should come. Applejack and Rainbow too but they r not online yet. ~Rares

—Oh, of course!! I'll be there. Just uhh, dm the address of your house to me in private, haha :) ~Sunset Shimmer

—So, AJ, RD, Are u guys coming? ~ Pinkie

—I mean, sureee, i wanted to sleep but i would be bored so. Fine ~ The awesome Rainbow dash

—OKAYY!! Aj? ~Pinkie

—Aw, chucks, sorry y'all. I can't hangout today because.. Well.. ~ Applejack

—You can't hangout because you're hanging out with Soarin today and he said he ll take you to an ice cream shop or get apple pie or come to Sweet Apple Acres to meet your family! ~ Pinkie

—Pinkie, how did you.. Nevermind. Pinkie sense. But, yup, that's it. Sorry y'all. ~ Applejack

—Oohhh, darrrlingggg, have fun. Don't rush ~ Rares

    Rainbow frowned at her phone and she didnt even know when, but annoyance is written all over her face.

—Excuuuse me AJ. Are you really ditching us for him? ~ The awesome Rainbow Dash

—This ain't ditchin'. Im just hanging out with my friend, big deal. ~ Applejack

—Okay. Don't care. Totally cool with that. ~ Thr awesome Rainbow Dash

   But she wasn't. Couldnt she hangout with Soarin in the weekend or something? Whatever, as she promised to herself, she doenst care, she is totally cool with that, and she ll have to force herself to like this.

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