„Friendly Phrase"

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    I went to school feeling better for some reason. I woke up with energy, as i always do, but i don't know, it felt like something has changed, maybe the fact that the tension between me and my friends is gone helped clear up my mind. Im thankfull to that Twilight girl. She could consider herself one of us now.
    I changed my clothes, ate breakfast then brushed my teeth. Big Mac took me to school with our van. He said he was feelin' "nice". Huh, this day is going suspiciously good.

'✧ °˖~-----~˖°✧ '

   "Darlings, i have worked all night for the divine costumes that we will wear tonight!" Rarity informed us.

   "Thank you, Rarity, we are lucky to have a friend like you." Fluttershy said in her usual calm and thankfull tone.

   "Oh, pfftttt, darling, why i will always be here if any of you girls need me!" The pale girl gave us a warm and friendly smile.

    I hear someone panting by the door, while it has been opened with full force. It was Rainbow Dash.

   "I'm late, i'm late.. well, again." she said as she took a deep breath, and was panting from all the running she had done.

   "Yeah, the sky is blue, and water is wet, anything new?" I said in a teasing tone while smirking at Rainbow Dash.

   "Applejack, don't act like it's not your fault." she winked at me. "You kept me awake by texting me, or should i say, flirty texting?"

    I knew she was trying to make me feel embarrassed, but not today.

   "Oh and u surely liked that if you stayed up thinking about my texts since I didnt keep you up. I went to sleep earlier than you. You should blame yourself for going to sleep at 1 in the morning, and, i guess my texts too" i winked back at her, i felt my heart pumping in my chest, but i tried to play it cool, and surprisingly, it worked.

   "Hm, you're getting better at this..." she said while shooting a smile in my way.

   "Ahem, girls, sorry to ruin your moment but, Rainbow Dash, while you were probably on your way here, i was talking about the most divine costumes i have made for us to wear tonight. And u should really try them on. Each of u."

    We agreed since we had 20 minutes left untill 1st class, so we got into some changing rooms and changed our clothes.

  "Um, Rarity, no mean to disturb but, can you help me with my dress?" Fluttershy said, from inside the changing room.

   "Oh why of course darling! Here, let me help u!" Rarity went inside the changing room and helped fluttershy. After we were all changing, we came out with the dresses on. I wasnt complaining, it was really my style. I know Rarity must of have suffered making this dress but, what doesnt that girl do for her friends.

    My eyes we re stuck on Rainbow Dash, her dress was simple, but it truly suited her, and she looked, gorgeous. I didnt realize i was staring that long at her, until someone waved infront of my face.

   "Hello, earth to Applejack?" a raspy voice said, and i knew who that was. "Huh, guess i really look good since you were staring at me like that" She said teasingly, even tho it was true.

   "I just zoned out, Rainbow, yes, u do look good because you know, everyone looks good, right?? I was just thinking of something, no big deal." i said as i rolled my eyes playfully.

   "Sure, Applejack" she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

    I was staring at her like an idiot, i didnt understand where she was coming from, but i knew she was trying to do something stupid. "Okay, Rainbow, what is up with u and being flirty lately?

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