Out Day

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    Rainbow got home, slept, woke up, then went to school. That's how her days were, but thanks to her friends, they are now 20% much cooler than before. The rainbow haired beauty woke up from a dream where she was exploring the everfree forest with Daring Do.

    "Uggghhhhhhhhh!!!" The groans were enough to make the others understand that she just wanted to sleep. Then again, sleep, and, did i forget? Sleep.

    She checked her phone. 7:57 AM. Well that's great, since 1st class is starting in 3 minutes and she hasn't even gotten out of bed yet. She dragged herself out of bed and groaned multiple times as if she worked 18 hours a day. Brushed her teeth, got dressed and ran out of the house, as she said her goodbyes to her parents. She was wondering if she had to prepare for an exam or not, but she just shrugged it of with an usual saying of hers "Well, it's fine."

    8:16 AM. And she was in the halls of CHS, that were empty, since all the students were already seated in their classes. She then met face to face with the door that led to her 1st period,and per usual, she opened it as if nothing has happened, and as if she has arrived on time.

   "Morning, sorry i'm late, haha.." She played it cool and then headed to her seat but then got interrupted from her walking.

   "Miss Dash. Don't you think you do this too often? Atleast try to make some effort to get on time. You know, it matters a lot when someone gets on time, it means they are punctual." Said someone in a serious yet calm and warm tone, Miss Cheerilee.

   "Yeahh, i know , i'm sorry" But she wasn't, obviously.

   "Thank you for understanding. Now, where were we-" Miss Cheerilee continued her lesson as Rainbow got ready for 1st period, and sat down next to Applejack who is her seat mate for 1st period.

   "It ain't no surprise miss told ya right ther'. Told ya you would someday stop comin' like this ta school." Applejack whispered with a chuckle and a teasing smile.

   "Oh shut it, AJ, im way too awesome to listen to anyone except for me, myself and I." Rainbow said as she finished settling up and sat boy-like on the chair.

   "If ya say so." The blonde let the subject rest and continued to listen to the lesson.

    The lesson was almost over and Rainbow kept playing with her pencil and had her head on the desk infront of her and she was already tired. It's like as if this day was going slower than usual. Dash let her head rest on the desk and then closed her eyes peacefully, with the sounds of Miss Cheerilee's voice in the background

    Applejack noticed Rainbow resting on the desk and she couldn't help but give a little smile at her friend's attitude in class, but this is Rainbow we are talking about. The emerald eyed girl caught herself staring a bit too long at Rainbow dash, even tho she wasn't asleep, she just admired how peacefull her friend looked like, when she's only seen the chaotic side of her.

   "Rainbow Dash! Can you repeat anything of what i said?" Miss Cheerilee shouted at the student that flinched at the sudden voice.

   "Me? Now? I, uh.. I actually.." Rainbow dash was struggling to come up with an excuse, or atleast try to find out what the lesson was about but her blonde friend kept giggling at this and Rainbow got frustrated.

   "Exactly, now please pay attention. All lessons are important." The teacher stated as she returned to her lesson, and after 5 minutes, she left the class since the bell has rang.

    Rainbow and the blondie left the classroom together, and the rainbow haired beauty kept her chin up and ignored her friend.

  " Hey, what'd ah do wrong?" The cowgirl asked in her usual country accent.

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