Different Dimension?

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Kyoko lay on her bed, "Phew! The last two weeks were something else."

Kyoko looked at the sky through her window, 'Uzumaki Nagato, leader of Ame and possible host to multiple S - rank nin.'

Kyoko sat up remembering the doozy of days the last two weeks had been for her and her team. Naruto had spent most of the first week with his two cousins, it alternated between trying to keep them from killing each other to talking about new seals and techniques. Kyoko and Sasuke spent time with them on the second week and to say it was very interesting was an understatement. Nagato was obviously very well spoken and Kyoko did not find anything wrong with what he said and spoke. Even when he was having a spat with Karin - chan, he sounded like an elder correcting his younger child.

Kyoko, 'He will be a terrifying opponent in politics.'

Kyoko, "Sleep, think tomorrow."

The next day though was strange for Kyoko, when she went outside her home, she noticed something strange about it. Her pictures of her parents were missing from the wall, she never removed them, she knew she did not remove them. Kyoko frowned and decided to use the Kai, genjutsu release technique but nothing happened and the corridor was still the same. Kyoko was paranoid now, if Kai did not work then it meant her old stalker was back or she had a new one or last option, someone started a prank war with her. It could not be the last one because prank war would require making a statement and no one messed with someone in Naruto's group.

Kyoko, 'So I either have a new stalker or the old one is back. I better report it.'

A villager greeted her, "Kyoko - hime, good morning."

Kyoko stopped feeling confused, "Ah, good morning."

Kyoko, 'Since when did anyone call me hime?'

Naruto waved at her, "Kyoko - san."

Kyoko, 'San? Since when? Why?'

Naruto, "Come on Sasuke, we have a mission."

Sasuke who was groping Naruto in broad day light sighed, "Fine."

Kyoko gaped, 'Okay, something is definitely fishy here. Sasuke is only so passionate behind closed doors not out in the open.'

Hinata, "Kyoko - sama."

Kyoko, 'Sama again? Holy Reborn!'

Hinata, "Kyoko - sama, am I happy to see you here. I made this for you."

Kyoko, "Ah! Thank you Hinata - chan."

Hinata turned pink, 'She called me chan, does this mean we are closer now?'

Kyoko, "You look very bright and beautiful today. Do you have a date?"

Hinata, "Ah! No, no date. But we are meeting with the envoy from Snow."

Kyoko, "I see, I see. Best to dress the part. I wish you the best of luck Hinata - chan."

Hinata, "Thank you Kyoko - sama."

Kyoko waved as Hinata who was dressed in a very eye - catching and sexy looking kimono left with her team on their mission. Kyoko then knew something was going on here as Shino would never hurt the bugs and Kiba was never that docile. Kyoko had once discussed the possibility of different dimensions with Tsuna - kun and Hayato - kun. In fact, her very presence in the elemental countries was proof alternate dimensions with different types of energy and people existed. Now, she was in an alternate dimension of her home and she was not sure how to feel about it. She hoped her alternate self did not get into any sort of trouble in her home world.

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