Memories and Confrontation

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Naruto are not mine.

Kakashi gave an eye smile, "Ready?"

Naruto nodded, "Yup."

Sasuke, "Everything is good to go."

Temari was serious, "Ready as could be."

Kyoko, "Let's go ~"

Shikamaru was standing calm though there was worry in his eye, "I will keep an eye out on things here."

Kyoko, "Make sure none of the patients try to use any chakra or jutsus for a few days."

Shikamaru smirked at that, "Sure mama Koko."

Naruto giggled and Kyoko rolled her eyes then the group consisting of Suna and Konoha shinobi followed Kakashi who had the lead. Kakashi put a brutal pace rushing across the large Suna desert and reaching the forest North of Suna in two hours. The Sun was peaking on the horizon as they started to travel through the forest area while Sasuke kept a close eye on Kakashi's health and chakra level. The stabilized eye may no longer absorb huge amounts of chakra like before but the Rinnengan was still pretty powerful in it's own right. It was always wise to deal or handle artifacts of power with caution in order to avoid unwanted incidents.

Sasuke still remembers those certain incidents after all of Team Seven was promoted, they went off with different teachers. Kakashi was left with a lot of free time well not exactly a lot as thanks to the change in the Hokage position they had to really amp the security. Their silver haired Sensei along with Shisui had rejoined the ANBU to keep the Godaime safe during the meetings outside the village. From time to time Kyoko had joined the Godaime's entourage as the Head medic, though it was mostly to showcase Kyoko's ability. Sasuke was still unsure about showing their hand but then again saving the Kage of Kumo was a good way to have them in their favor.

Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan and someone thought attacking a medic under ANBU Inu's care was a great idea. Everyone that day was reminded why ANBU Inu had been considered for the head position of ANBU at the age of fifteen and why there was a flee on sight order in the bingo book. Kyoko had after that particular incident hunted Kakashi down and demanded he teach her Kenjutsu. Kakashi had bluntly warned her it would be a torturous training schedule and he would put her through hell. Kyoko had given him a very evil grin telling him to do so, she needed ideas for future training. Kakashi simply snorted and agreed. The team stopped as night fell to rest after a long day of running.

Kakashi, "Konoha will take first two watches."

Tachiba, "Suna will deal with the last two."

Kyoko took the first watch, "My healing abilities help me recover faster. You boys get rest."

Kakashi, "Mn. I will join you all the same. Better safe than sorry."

Kyoko raised an eyebrow but agreed after a while, "I suppose we are in enemy territory. Very well Sensei."

Sasuke, "I will take the second watch with Naruto then."

Naruto gave them a grin, "It's fine by me."

Kyoko nodded and made herself comfortable, 'I hope Gaara and Shukaku are alright.'

Kakashi poked her, "Do not frown so much. You will get wrinkles."

Kyoko laughed, "Aye sir."

Kakashi eye smiled as Kyoko stopped frowning and started to hum softly while keeping an eye out using her clones. The silver haired man still remembers the first time his little Koko had caught his attention, it was after the investigation on Danzo started. In the beginning, the investigation had gone according to the rules with ANBU taking over the case. Then there was an inquiry from the civilian side to re - open the Hatake Sakumo case. When Kakashi had first heard of it, he had been furious and wanted to know who would have the audacity. When he found out it was a civilian child, his curiosity peaked despite his anger.

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