Chapter 8:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Never in Mile's life has he woken up earlier than 7 or 8 am. It was 5:15 in the morning and he was parked at the parking lot where Man's apartment was. He had instructed the front desk to call Man and tell him that his transportation was waiting for him in the parking lot. A moment later,he could see Man exiting the building and making his way to the parking lot. Mile smiled and honked his horn,slightly startling Man. Man squinted his eyes as Mile waved at him. Man made his way to Mile and knocked on his window,he lowered the window.

"Good morning" Mile greeted.

"Morning.What are you doing here?" Man asked.

"Giving you a ride" Mile answered.

"I thought this place offered free transportation" Man asked.

"Come inside and sit and I'll answer your question" Mile said.

Man nodded as he then made his way to the other side and sat on the passenger seat.

"Go on then,answer my question"Man said.

Mile chuckled as he leaned closer,Man flinched. He closed his eyes thinking Mile was going to kiss him,instead he then heard something click and seatbelt secure on him.

"Safety first" Mile teased.

"Thanks"Man said,blushing.

Mile started the engine and they started making their way to the restaurant.

"You didn't answer my question"Man stated.

"I lied, there was no free transportation"Mile replied.

"And why would you lie like that?" Man asked.

"Because I'd like to spend more time with you" Mile said.

"By driving me to work?You don't even look like someone who wakes up this early" Man said.

"Of course I am, I love waking up so early in the morning" Mile lied.

"I know you feel bad for my living situation right now,but I am fine. You finding me a nice place to stay is already enough for me" Man said.

"It's not an inconvenience for me,if that is what you are saying. I am doing it because I want to,not because I feel sorry for you. There's a difference" Mile replied.

Man raised his eyebrows, he definitely isn't used to be spoiled or treated this way.

'There's definitely a catch'Man thought to himself.

"What do you get from doing all this?"Man asked.

"Quality time with you and hopefully your heart"Mile said,as he then winked Man.

"I don't date,never had. You'll just be disappointed. Better quit-"Man started but Mile cut him off.

"That makes us kind of the same, I don't date either. Don't worry about disappointing me, I'll be the judge of that. So far, I am liking everything" Mile said.

The restaurant wasn't that far away from the apartment, they got there before 6 am. 

"Need me to walk you in?" Mile asked.

"No need. Thank you for the ride" Man said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

He opened the door and slowly got out,Mile leaned in before Man could close the door.

"What time do you finish?"Mile asked.

"Why? Are you planning to pick me up as well?"Man asked.

"That's the plan"Mile replied.

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