Chapter 3:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Mile had just woken up from his sleep, he didn't sleep too well last night. He stayed up waiting for Man's reply which never came.

'This guy is driving me crazy! How can he resist me?Should I go see him in the shop?It's Sunday, so it's closed'Mile thought to himself, feeling rather annoyed that Man has not shown a slight interest in him.

This was the first time ever that Mile had shown interest in someone other than himself, he usually just charm people up and they surround him like a moth to a flame. But Man was different, maybe Build was right... maybe Man isn't human. Mile shook off the funny thought, he saw Man scowl and frown so he is not totally expressionless. He forced himself out of bed and headed towards the kitchen where his mom and dad were having lunch.

"Good morning son!"his mom said, cheerfully.

"Good morning Mae, Por"he greeted them as he sat himself down. He just took a look at him, nodded to acknowledge Mile and went back to reading the paper. Mile looked around and saw that his sister wasn't there.

"Shea went to have breakfast with her friends, she has painting lessons later"Mae answered.

"I see, I mean I wasn't really worried"Mile replied, trying not to seem worried for his sister.

They started eating, Mile loved his mom's cooking.She used to be one of the best chef's in the country, while Mile's dad was a wealthy businessman who owned a lot of hotels and luxury apartments in Bangkok. Even though they were rich, his parents weren't like those snobby millionaires. Once they were done with breakfast, the maids cleaned up the dining area. Mile's dad got ready for work and headed to one of their busiest hotel chain, his mom also got ready for her doctor's appointment.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?"Mile asked again, worried for his mother.

"I will be fine, you worry too much. You're mom ain't that weak"she said.

"Of course I worry about you, you're my one and only mom"Mile replied.

"I know, but our driver is with us and it's just a doctor's visit. I'll text or call you when I get there and before I leave from them. Okay?"his mom said.

"Fine. I'll see you later then"Mile said.

His mom smiled,raised her hand and ruffled his hair gently. She got her purse and headed towards the car. The driver opened the door and she went inside. Mile waved to her, she waved back and then they drove off. He was alone in the house, he was bored. Maybe he should go hang out with his friends or maybe go hit the bar. His phone rang, it was Perth.

"Yo dude!Where you at?"Perth asked.

"I'm home. Why?"Mile asked.

"Aren't you coming to Nodt's bro's bar? Opening is tonight"Perth asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. Nothing better to do"Mile replied.

"You sound annoyed. I take it P'Man ignored your ass"Perth teased.

"Ignored who?Me?Of course not! "Mile said.

"Whatever dude! See you there tonight, don't worry there will be lots of guys your type there. You'll forget about that robot"Perth joked.

"Yeah, yeah! I'll see you guys later"Mile said as hung up the phone.

"Me?Being ignored?No one has ever ignored me. Just you wait P'Man!"he yelled.

He went out to the parking lot and decided to clean his car, ever since he was young he always loved his sports car. Once he was done cleaning his car, he looked at his phone, it was almost 3 pm. His mom hasn't called him at all, he called her just to be safe.

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