Chapter 4:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Mile woke up with a huge hangover, he ended up sleeping at Nod's house and so did the others. Even though he is usually the one who turns up to a party late, he usually is the one who wakes up earlier in their group. He put his shirt on and slowly went down the the kitchen and helped himself to some coffee. He had been in this house multiple times, he knew his way around pretty well. He heard footsteps, he turned and saw Jin making his way to the kitchen as well.

"Morning"Jin greeted as he yawned.

"Good morning P' "Mile greeted back.

"The early riser as usual , I see. But always late for the party"Jin teased as he fixed a cup of coffee for himself.

"That's different P', of course I have to look good for any party"Mile replied.

"Still the same old Mile, you better hurry up and get yourself a lover"Jin said.

"Haha! You already know how it is P' "Mile said.

"Still playing around,huh?How bout dating Nodt?He's single"Jin teased.

"Hell no! He's like a brother to me, he's a mess. I wouldn't be able to take his crazy ass"Mile said.

"As if you're a ray of sunshine all the time. Don't worry P' , he has someone he likes"Nodt said, rubbing his eyes trying to wake up, the others trailing behind him.

"You guys are crazy"Mile said.

"Stop denying it. He does have someone in mind P', but he has his work cut out of for him"Perth said.

"Ooh!Playing hard to get?"Jin asked.

"No. He's attracted to a damn robot, I don't know what you like about him. He's so not your type"Apo said.

"P'Man is odd, but he is handsome"Build spoke up.

"Oho! So P'Man would be your type then?"Perth asked Build, Mile looked at him but his eyebrows were raised.

'Already jealous,huh?' Build thought to himself,smirking.

"No, he's not. You have nothing to worry about Mile"Build said, Mile's face relaxed.

"What?Why should I be worried?Psh!What are you talking about?"Mile responded, trying to play it cool.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say Mile"Build teased.

"Are you staying for breakfast?I can whip something simple for everyone"Jin offered.

"We'll stay!"Apo and Perth chimed.

"I'll pass, I need to go home and check on my mom"Mile said.

"Treatment?"Apo asked.

"No, she had a check-up yesterday. Treatment is on Wednesday,plus she wants to try the food in your restaurant today Build"Mile said.

"Oho! Auntie wants to see her future-son in law?"Perth teased.

"What?No! You're crazy. She just wants to try the food"Mile lied.

"I need to go as well, I have to go buy something at the mall later"Build said.

"I see, well thank you for coming last night"Jin said.

"No problem P'. Thanks for having us"Mile replied.

With that, Mile and Build got their belongings and headed out. Mile offered to drop Build off but he declined since it was already out of his way. Build took a cab while Mile started making his way home. It was only 9 am, traffic wasn't bad. When he got home, his dad had already left while his mom was in the garden watering her plants. He sneakily crept up to her and hugged her from behind, surprising his mom as a result.

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