Chapter 5:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

"What the hell is this!"a guy yelled out and threw his silver utensils on his plate.

Everyone was silent and turned to look at the person who was yelling. Mile squinted his eyes, those were definitely the 2 guys that were in the restroom earlier. Bon saw this and went out to talk to the customer.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" Bon asked.

"Yes, there is! I found a cockroach on my mashed potato. What kind of restaurant serves shit like this!"the guy yelled out.

"Get your chef out! This is disgusting!"the shorter one yelled.

"Please don't raise your voice sir, I'm sure there is some mistake" Bon said.

"Mistake? Are you saying that I am lying? You served me this shit, what if I ate it and got sick? Are you going to compensate me?" the first guy yelled.

The kitchen doors creaked, opened and Man came out.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Man asked, looking at the men.

"The problem is Mr. Chef, you are serving us  nasty shit. My friend almost ate a cockroach because of you" the shorter guy said.

"That's impossible! P'Man is very careful. He would never let that happen. You guys probably planted that in there" Bon said.

"Ha? You think I'd plant that in there when I almost ate it? I can't believe you would accuse me of such thing!"the tall guy said.

"And what if I am-"Bon started but Man put his hand on Bon's shoulder to quiet him.

"I apologize on behalf of my assistant chef, mistakes like this are uncommon but they do happen. It was my mistake "Man said.

"Good. So what are you gonna do for me? You think I'll just leave quietly? "the tall guy said, smirking.

Mile sighed before taking a dinner roll and chucked it to the tall guy, hitting him in the head.

"What the fuck?! Who did that? "the guy yelled.

Mile raised his hand and stood up, he went over to the guy.

"I can't believe they let grimey ass people like you in this establishment,disrupting such a great lunch service"Mile said.

"What the hell are you talking about? It's not my fault this guy was careless"the guy said.

"Maybe P'Bon was right, you guys planted that cockroach in there. You look like the kind of people who'd do it to get free meals and such. Why? Are you guys that poor that you have to destroy a restaurant's reputation just to get a meal? So low of you! "Mile said.

"How dare you?! He is the one who is in the wrong!" the guy yelled.

"Oh yeah? Then care to explain this?" Mile asked as he pressed play on his phone. A video was shown.

"The food is really good,right?"the shorter guy said.

"Yeah, kinda pricey though. But don't worry, we'll get a refund for our meal and more freebies"the taller one said.

"What do you mean?"the other asked, the taller one just smirked.

"You'll see" the tall guy replied.

" What are you planning? "the shorter guy asked.

The guy raised a plastic bag showing what seems to be a ziplock bag with a dead cockroach in it.

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