Chapter Fifteen

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The feeling of failure stalked each step as I left Lilith. I gripped the hand she broke, the mark of her love. When I drank blood, it would speed up my healing and it would be like she never hurt me at all. I still took longer than necessary returning to Charlotte, even as I understood that every moment brought Anna closer to death. Despite my promise to Lilith, I wasn't sure if I wanted to save Anna. Not at that price. If Anna died, Charlotte would live. Now that I knew about Lilith's scheme, I could protect her until the day she died. If she had children, I would protect them. Charlotte was the first human I felt anything for in years. She didn't deserve our monstrous world.

"Luke..." Rain battered Miriam's dress, giving her the appearance of a soaked angel. "Don't give yourself to her."

I smiled as if this wouldn't be the last time we ever met. The last time I brushed back her drenched curl. "This is an improvement from where my mother said I would end up."

She took my hand. "That's not funny. I don't need you to save me. You're a good man. Don't let her make you a monster. Anguish filled her eyes. "I never should have told you."

I froze in front of the door as I heard Charlotte's faint heartbeat. What remained of my heart cracked. I couldn't drain the life from her. Anna's face flashed in my mind. She was willing to die for her sister. Maybe she would join us for her sister.

If she could get past the death of her mother and the misery we put her through.

I spun from the door and headed down the stairs. Henry stood at the bottom, his sharp gaze on me.

"How's the hand?" he asked.

"It will heal," I muttered.

He grabbed my arm as I attempted to move past him. "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Not many choices," I said in a low voice.

His grip tightened. "This isn't the way to save everyone. You'll destroy two lives."

"Do you have a better solution?" I demanded.

"You should speak to the girl upstairs," he said. "My understanding is that she had prepared to do anything to save her sister. Maybe it's better for her to make the choice."

"She's a child," I said in an icy tone, sounding more like Raphael than I wanted. "Driven by emotions. Better to make someone free of emotions make the choice."

"Free of emotions?" Henry rolled his eyes. "You care so much about her that you'll destroy her sister. But they are both descended from the mortal you liked so much."

Shame rose at the thought of Miriam. "I know."

"So why are you fine with destroying the other one?" he asked.

I tugged away. "She destroyed herself. She came here on a mission to kill my family. Maybe she and Charlotte never would have been safe from this world, but I suspect Lilith never would have made a move until one of them had a child to keep the cycle going. No one should have died this soon."

"Here." Henry handed another potion to me. "Pain weighs heavier on mortals than us. I'm sure you weren't planning to ask her while she's so hurt. If someone accepts our gift, they should have their best state of mind."

The slight accusation stung me. All I was thinking was that there was such little time to do this repugnant task. "Thank you," I muttered.

There was no time to justify myself to Henry. I hurried back to the basement, past the vampires suffering because of their own stupidity. I didn't stop until I reached the blood promised traitors.

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