Ocean Breeze

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I find myself at the ocean again,

The ocean breeze whispers through my hair

A gentle caress, a soothing touch

Carrying the scent of salt and sea

It wraps around me like a lover's embrace

Majestic waves crash against the shore

Their rhythmic melody is a song of the sea

Seagulls cry out in joyous delight

As they ride the currents high above

The cool breeze kisses my skin

Bringing relief from the sun's hot embrace

I close my eyes and breathe it in

Letting it calm my restless soul

In the distance, a ship sails by

Its sails billowing in the wind

A lone sailor stands at the helm

Guided by the ocean breeze

I feel a sense of freedom

As I stand on the sandy shore

The vast expanse of the sea before me

Stretching out to the horizon

I am but a small part of this world

A mere speck in the grand scheme of things

But in this moment, I am at peace

Surrendering to the ocean breeze

So let the wind carry me away

To distant shores and unknown lands

I am a sailor on the sea of life

Guided by the ocean breeze.

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