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In whispers soft, the sea does speak,

Its voice, a melody, gentle and meek.

Upon the shore, it calls my name,

In waves that rise and fall, it claims.

"Come closer, child, to where I roam,

In depths unknown, find your home.

Beneath my surface, secrets lie,

A world of wonder beneath the sky."

Its words like ripples, soothing and calm,

Drawing me in with its gentle charm.

It speaks of journeys, far and wide,

Of mysteries waiting to be untied.

"Feel my embrace as I ebb and flow,

In every drop, a story to bestow.

I've witnessed tales of love and strife,

Carried upon the currents of life."

With each tide, a lesson taught,

In every crest, a memory caught.

The sea, a teacher, wise and old,

Guiding me with stories untold.

"Listen closely to the song I sing,

Of beginnings and endings, of everything.

For in my waters, you'll find your key,

To unlock the depths of eternity."

So I stand before the sea so vast,

Enraptured by its spell, unsurpassed.

In its whispers, I find my plea,

For the sea and water, they speak to me.

Whispers in the Water: A collection of short stories and poetryWhere stories live. Discover now