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Begging for mercy on your knees,

Beneath the weight of life's unease.

In shadows cast by doubt's decree,

Yearning for grace to set you free.

With whispered pleas and tear-stained eyes,

Seeking solace 'neath darkened skies.

In the silence where hope lies still,

Longing for a gentle thrill.

But behold, amidst the darkest night,

A glimmer breaks, a guiding light.

The sunshine peeks through clouds of gray,

Promising a brighter day.

Amidst the marshes, deep and wide,

Where murky waters ebb and tide,

A metaphor for trials we face,

Navigating with a steady pace.

In love's embrace, the bog's allure,

A challenge met, a truth so pure.

For even in the swamp's embrace,

We find the strength to rise with grace.

So rise again, though weary, frail,

Let not despair your soul assail.

For in the depths of pain, you find,

The strength to leave the past behind.

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