Stressful days

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Lesso helps Dovey relax, after she had a stressful day.
No warnings needed.

Leonora PoV:

Many days are stressful. Even when it doesn't look like it. I mean, most students believe our lifes are easy. We are the teachers, giving them homework and making them study. They mostly forget that we have to grade everything, even think about ideas how teach classes.

Clarissa always seemed more exhausted then I am. As if she would be working from sun rise till sun set. And so I did my best to help her relax in the evening.

Just like today. We both sat on the couch, her head on my lap. I had prepared a lovely evening, a nice dinner, some wine and a movie to end the day.

"Why can't every evening be like this?" She mumbled, her eyes only half open. My hands moved slowly through her hair, a small smile on my face.

"It could be, but then we would grow tired of it." "Probably…" She snuggled her head a bit back into my stomach. There was just no cuter sight of her, all tired and cuddled up into a blanket.

"Are you falling asleep Princess?" "…no." I chuckled, brushing some strands of hair behind her ear. "Maybe… Can I?" "Of course. I will carry you over when the movie is done."

She turned her head a bit, giving me a soft smile. "I love you, you know that Nora?" "I sure do Princess. And I love you too." I leaned down, trying to give her a kiss, but failing.

"Can you, uhm, lean a little closer? I can't reach you." She chuckled sleepingly, before leaning her head up a bit. I smiled, kissing her softly, my han under her head to hold her there.

"Keep kissing me Nora. Please…" "I love when you get so sleepy." We both chuckled, and I pulled her more into my arms to hold her, kissing her soft lips again.

She closed her eyes, leaning against my shoulder. I started to shower her face in soft kisses, watching her fall more and more asleep. "Sleep tight Princess. And have some sweet dreams."

She was sleeping peacefully in my arms. Who could have thought that I would ever get this lucky? I don't think anyone ever thought that I would be capable to love. And now look at us.

There was this smile again. This smile that I can't get off of my face, no matter how hard I try. It was this effect she had on me.

The first few weeks where we started dating, I always caught myself smiling as soon as I saw her. Like flicking a switch to turn on the lights in a room. Some students always gave us weird looks, but we grew to ignore them.

I remember all those little cute dates we had, where she just walked into my office and dragged me away. At first I was annoyed, but with the time I realised how lucky I was.

There had been some hate crimes towards us, but after a little time in the doom room, everything was fine. And now here we were, her in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

The movie slowly came to an end and I carefully picked her up bride style. She stirred a bit, burrying her head softly into my chest.

"Don't leave me…" Her voice was a mumble and I smiled, carefully carrying her over to the bed. "I won't ever leave you Princess. Don't worry." I laid her down, giving her a soft kiss onto her forehead.

"Give me two minutes. I just wanna take off my shirt and brush my hair, yes?" She didn't react, only laying there in our bed, looking adorable. I smiled to myself, before walking into the bathroom.

Not long after, I walked back out, taking off my shirt and sitting down on the bed. It wasn't all that late, but those stressful days make you wish you could just stop time and sleep for four days in a row.

"Lay down… I wanna cuddle." I looked behind me. She had turned onto her side, her eyes half open. "Please…?" With a soft chuckle, I layed down, holding my arms open for her.

"If you demand for cuddles, you shall get them." I watched her start to smile, before she crawled over to me. She snuggled her head into my neck, her leg interwining with mine.

"I always get what I want…" "Oh you sure do." We both chuckled and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling the blanket over us. "Now go back to sleep, you need all the rest you can get." She nodded slowly, already falling back alseep.

I turned off the light, the room falling completely black. It was quiet aswell, besides the little breathing sounds she made.

I turned my head and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Sleep tight my little Princess. I love you."

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