One of the best pranks

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Lesso and her friends want to pull one last big prank on the school for good at the graduation party. But something goes wrong and she ends up in Dovey's room.
No warnings needed.

Leonora PoV:

Graduation party. One of the best days of our entire school life. And so, me and my friends decided to just go ahead and pull one of the best pranks to end the school year with.

As every Never knew, Evers didn't like to drink that much. And so we found out that at their graduation party there will be no alcohol. The master minds we are, we stole some of the strongest liquor we could find and planned on spiking their drinks.

So here we are, everyone dressed up in black with their bottles in hand. "Everyone clear what we have to do?" The others all nodded and I put on my sky mask.

"We'll meet here again as soon as you guys are done, okay? And when something goes wrong, just run for the hills." With that, we spilt up and made our ways into the school for good.

It was already a pretty bad sight from outside. Everyone was dancing in those bright dresses and laughing around. How did they not have a constant headache with such a sight every fucking day.

I looked around, before I drank my potion, watching as I turned invisible. There was one useful thing about paying attention in potion class and it lead to this moment.

I snook in, not sure where my friends were right now and moved fast. The longer I was here, the higher the chance was to get caught.

Finally at the punch table, I poured in the liquor, aswell as some cinnamon to cover up the taste. There were many hours of planning in this prank and just pouring this in and leaving it, would blow everything.

As soon as I was done, I made my way back to he window. But there was a problem. Two princesses stood there, talking about Lord knows what.

I looked around, unsure of where to go. I mean, I didn't have many options without getting caught and the effect of my potion was slowly wearing off. So I did the only thing I could do.

I ran into the nearest hallway, watching as I slowly turned back visible. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." My eyes jumped around. There was nothing ruined yet, nobody had seen me, so I just had to find a way out of here.

Easier said then done. All those colors and everything made me walk in a circle more then once. The worst part was, I didn't blend in. It needed just one prince or princess and they would see me and get me busted.

Leaning against a wall, I listened to my surroundings. Who knew how long I had been in here already. I heared the party not far from here, so I decided to walk into the other direction.

And that was when I walked directly into someone. Out of fear, I just stood solid frozen, looking at the woman in front of me. Which, of course, was none other then Professor Dovey

"Oh hello you~" But with a lot of alcohol in her system. "Whatcha doing here~?" I looked around. The longer I stood here, the higher the chance was that someone walked by that wasn't drunk.

"W-well, I, uhm…" "Pulling pranks~?" My cheeks turned a bit red as she stepped closer, her finger pressed into my chest. "Better not~ We can't have naughty students in the school for good~" She made a little spin and stumbled into my arms.

"M-me?" I chuckled nervously. "I-I would never." She looked up to me, her face close. I could smell her perfume and the alcohol on her tounge, making me close my eyes.

"Good girl~" My cheeks flushed red and I looked down at her. Before I could say something, I heared footsteps come closer. Directly, I panickied and looked around for some place to hide.

"Hallway down and then left~" I looked down at her, wanting to ask why she just said that, but the footsteps forced me to move. And so I did, into the direction she had just told me.

I stopped when we came to a dead end, looking around for where to go. "Keep going~" "That's a fucking dead end. Lord, why did I listen to you." My eyes jumped around, whoever was there was coming closer, almost as if they were following us.

"The door, it's my room~" I looked up at the door she pointed and groaned, before I pulled her with me inside. The lights were off so the room wasn't all that horrible to look at.

With a pumping heart, I closed the door and locked it, pressing my hand onto her mouth. My ear was pressed against the door to make sure whoever was there was gone. And when I heared the footsteps walk away, I breathed out relieved.

"See~?" I looked at her. That problem was solved, but now I had to deal with her. If she remembered any of this by tomorrow it would be clear who pulled that prank.

"Why don't you sit down and let me help you, hm?" I knew some magic that could erase memory and with the window in her room I had the perfect rout to leave.

"So you can make me forget~? No. You, my dear Never, will have to use other methods to keep me quiet~" She pressed her body against me, trapping me between the door and herself.

I held my breath, looking down at her. Our faces were only a few inches apart and there was no way she didn't see the blush on my cheeks. "Comon~ I know you want it aswell~"

I placed my hands onto her waist, leaning closer to her. "That's my good girl~" She closed the gap, her lips melting against mine. I moaned into her mouth, letting her take full control over the kiss.

She smirked, her hands cupping my cheeks, making me melt under her touch. I looked into her eyes, as she leaned back, a soft smile on her lips.

"See~?" My hands clawed at her waist as I nodded slowly, completely forgetting the plan I just had. "Still want to leave?" Her hands ran down my chest, stopping at the waistband of my pants.

I leaned more against the door, trying to get my thoughts back under control. Everything screamed for me to be logical and say no, but that wasn't really what I wanted.

"N-no. Please… I want to stay." The smirk on her lips made my knees tremble, as her hands snook under my shirt. "Then why don't we get a bit more comfortable on the bed, hm~?"

How did this woman manage to get me to follow her? A few minutes ago, everything I wanted was to get out of here as fast as I could and now? I let her pull me with her towards the bed, not sure what I should do right now.

She smirked up at me as she sat down, pulling me onto her lap. "Relax sweetheart~ Let Mommy take good care of you~" With that,s he pulled me closer, her arms wrapping around my neck.

I gasped, looking into her eyes, before she closed the gap between us once again and kissed me. Not knowing what to do, I placed my hands back on her waist, holding her close as we deeped the kiss.

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